Part-time Status

All Berea College students are expected to be enrolled full time. To register for fewer than three credits or to drop below three credits, a degree candidate must have the approval of the Student Admissions and Academic Standing (SAAS) Committee. Ordinarily, degree-seeking students are only approved part-time status one time during their enrollment at Berea College and only if it does not result in a need for an extension of terms.

Requests for part-time status must not result in the student being enrolled in less than 1.5 credits. Exceptions to this policy are approved only for debilitating illness or other issues beyond the student’s control. The financial aid of part-time students may be affected, as well as health insurance, car insurance, scholarships, food stamps and/or tax deductions.  The term in which a student is registered for less than three credits is counted towards the 8-term expectations, except when the reasons for part-time status are beyond the student’s control. Part-time students may not participate in intercollegiate sports. Applications for part-time status must be signed by the advisor and submitted to the Office of Academic Services (Lincoln Hall) for consideration and approval.

In general, applications for part-time status, other than those related to debilitating illness or other issues beyond the student’s control, are not considered until after mid-term grades are submitted and are only approved when the student has demonstrated a good-faith effort (attendance, engagement, completed assignments, etc.) within the course. Students who are failing a course as a result of lack of attendance or engagement in the course will not be approved to withdraw from the course if it results in part-time status.