Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

Academic Complaints

To maintain the integrity of the academic environment and to ensure the rights of students in such matters, HCC’s administrative policies and procedures provide a framework to resolve student complaints of an academic nature. An academic complaint is defined as an issue related to classroom instruction or a grade dispute in which the student believes a grade was assigned in an arbitrary or inconsistent manner. A student who has an academic complaint, including a specific academic complaint involving a faculty member, that remains unresolved through informal means, may enter into a formal process of problem resolution. The student academic complaint procedures and the appropriate form may be obtained from the division offices. A student who wants to initiate a formal academic complaint must submit an academic complaint form no later than the end of the seventh week of the next major term. All written correspondence concerning this matter will be sent to the student using their HCC email account.


  1. The student must discuss the problem with the instructor prior to beginning the formal complaint process. Many times misunderstandings can be resolved by honest, open dialogue.

  2. If the issue is not resolved after discussing it with the instructor, the student may pursue the matter further by submitting a formal written complaint. The student should contact the division office to schedule an appointment with the appropriate designated division representative. A meeting will be scheduled -between the division representative and the student to discuss the problem and outline the formal complaint process. The student may then file a formal, written complaint that must include: 

    • a written description of the academic issues in dispute;
    • any supporting evidence;
    • the specific academic complaint form with the student and faculty signatures or record of the electronic communications.

    The written complaint must be submitted by the student to the division representative no later than the seventh week of the next full semester. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. This decision will be communicated to the student in a formal correspondence, and the faculty member and division leader will be notified of the decision.

  3. If the student wishes to appeal the division resolution, the student must notify the division representative within one week of receiving the written resolution from the division or meeting with the division representative regarding the resolution, whichever occurred last. The student’s written complaint, the instructor’s written response, and the division representative’s written recommendation will be forwarded to the vice president of academic affairs. The student has the right to meet with the vice president of academic affairs but is not required to do so. The student who wishes to have a meeting must contact the vice president’s office directly within two weeks of notifying the division representative of their intention to appeal, to schedule the meeting. The decision of the vice president of academic affairs is final and will be conveyed in writing to the student.