PhD Student Funding and Doctoral Fellowships

4.1 Doctoral Fellowships

The Research Mentor, in collaboration with the Program, will attempt to provide “Research Fellowships” (half-time, approximately 20 hours/week) for students who need funding to help defray living expenses during the first two years of the program. Typically, these are provided through the Research Mentor’s grant funding. Some funding may be available through teaching or clinical work related to the student’s prior clinical specialties. In some cases, it is possible that these sources of funding may extend beyond two years. The program does not guarantee that it can provide such positions to all students accepted into the program. 


4.2 PhD RS Tuition 

All accepted students receive a tuition scholarship for all IHP courses in the core curriculum, which are completed by the end of the second year. Students pay a continuing education fee equal to one credit per semester starting at the beginning of the fifth year (after 12 semesters). Additional expenses may be related to supplemental coursework fees.


4.3 Conference Funding

The Program provides funds to enable students to attend and present research at conferences which support the student’s interests. While conference attendance is the main purpose for these funds, other allowable expenses may include research participant recruitment payment, publishing fees, supply purchases, and e-learning resource purchases. All students are eligible to apply via the Conference Funding Application  each fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). The maximal amount each year may vary but is typically $750-$1500. Limited funds are available; preference is given to students who will present their research at the conference and those who have not previously received funding. Funds do not carry over. Reimbursement requests for approved funding must be submitted by September 15th to allow processing time before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th. Upon approval, students are responsible for purchasing their approved expenses, and submitting a request for reimbursement. Students who are MGB employees must submit their reimbursement request via a Peoplesoft Expense Report. Students who are not MGB employees must submit their Non-Employee Business Expense Report via the Payee Information Form. Further instructions can be found on the PhD Rehabilitation Sciences Teams channel and in the confirmation email received after submitting a Conference Funding Application