Substance Abuse

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 National Louis University forbids the unlawful use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs or alcohol by a student anywhere on University property, including University housing. Students receiving prescription medications from a physician must have the prescription in their possession. The University recognizes that many behaviors are restricted by state and federal laws. The basic premise of University discipline is to provide regulations for students in keeping with state and federal laws as well as to maintain an environment maximally conducive to education. While the University does not normally take disciplinary action for off-campus violations, it retains the right to act in special cases.

With reference to drug violations, an individual suspected of drug abuse off-campus is subject to civil proceedings and will be addressed through the University discipline system if the off-campus actions impact the campus community. Students who reside in University housing, by doing so, consent to University housing regulations. As long as they reside in University housing, they are subject to University discipline.

The United States Congress has established legislation that requires educational institutions to provide information to students regarding illicit drugs and alcohol abuse. This legislation is commonly referred to as the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. Colleges and universities are asked to certify that they attempt to prevent the unlawful possession, use and/or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students.

National Louis University is committed to maintaining a drug-free environment for students. Disciplinary sanctions that National Louis University may impose for violations of University policies are found under the Student Conduct Process section of this Student Guidebook. Any students who would like to receive additional information or confidential assistance may contact the Office of Student Engagement at 888.658.8632 x3568.

Per the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, National Louis University works to foster a culture of care, where students are informed about the risks associated with consuming alcohol or drugs and the responsibility for healthy behavior and a safe learning environment is shared by all. The primary aspects of the University’s policy on alcohol and other drugs are outlined below, please refer to the Student Wellness Page and the Annual Security Report for full policy details.


Under the influence: For the purpose of this policy, “under the influence” is when the student is affected by a substance, or the combination of a drug and alcohol, in any detectable manner. The symptoms of influence are not confined to those consistent with misbehavior or to obvious impairment of physical or mental ability such as slurred speech or difficulty in maintaining balance. A determination of influence can be established by professional opinion, or, in some cases, by a lay person’s opinion.

Reasonable suspicion: a determination based on objective facts and inferences drawn from those facts as well as personal observations that suggest an individual is under the influence of a substance.

On-campus: Locations are considered on-campus if one of the following conditions are met:

  1. Within a campus building or on campus property, including leased housing spaces and facilities
  2. On public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus, including but not limited to the sidewalk, parking lot, and/or alley.
  3. In or on non-campus buildings or property that the University uses for educational purposes, including but not limited to off-site teaching locations, internship sites, and/or student life activities.