General Education Courses (Associate of Science Programs)

Communications (3 cc)

Required Communication course

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I

3 cc

Humanities (3 cc)

Choose one course

ARH 2000Humanities Art (For Non-Art Majors)

3 cc

HUM 2020Introduction to Humanities

3 cc

MUL 2010Music Appreciation

3 cc

PHI 2010Introduction to Philosophy

3 cc

THE 2000Theatre Appreciation

3 cc

Mathematics (3 cc)

Choose one course

MAC 1105College Algebra

3 cc

MAC 2311Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

4 cc

MGF 1106Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

3 cc

MGF 1107Mathematics for Liberal Arts II

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics

3 cc

MAC 1114Plane Trigonometry

3 cc

MAC 1140Precalculus Algebra

3 cc

MAC 1147Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry

4 cc

MAC 2233Calculus with Business Applications I

3 cc

MAC 2312Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

4 cc

MAC 2313Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

4 cc

MAP 2302Differential Equations

3 cc

Natural Sciences (3 cc)

Choose one course

AST 1002Descriptive Astronomy

3 cc

BSC 1005Introduction to Biology

3 cc

BSC 1010Principles of Biology

3 cc

CHM 1025Introduction to College Chemistry

3 cc

CHM 1045General Chemistry I

3 cc

ESC 1000Earth Science

3 cc

EVR 2001Introduction to Environmental Science

3 cc

PHY 1025Introduction to Fundamentals of Physics

3 cc

PHY 1053General Physics I

3 cc

PHY 2048Physics I with Calculus

4 cc

Social Sciences (3 cc)

Choose one course

AMH 2020American History from 1877

3 cc

ANT 2000Introduction to Anthropology

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics

3 cc

POS 2041American National Government

3 cc

PSY 2012General Psychology

3 cc

SYG 2000Introduction to Sociology

3 cc
