ENGL 1311 Skillful Reading

Designed to improve literal, critical, and affective comprehension of college-level reading materials. Includes study skills and test-taking techniques. If the student scores below 450 on the SAT Critical Reading or below 18 on the ACT Reading placement will be in ENG1312. In order to appeal that placement, the student must take a current placement test in English. That test score will be used to determine placement. May not be taken once student has passed ENGL 1321. Does not count toward fulfilling English requirements in Academic Foundation nor any degree credit.


ENGL 1312 Skillful Writing

Study of the nature and uses of English. Detailed study of the grammar of English with emphasis on the student’s ability to construct correct and effective sentences and paragraphs. Much practice in writing. If the student scores below 450 on the SAT Writing or below 18 on the ACT Writing, placement will be ENG1311. In order to appeal that placement, the student must take a current placement test in English. That test score will be used to determine placement. May not be taken once student has passed ENGL 1321. Does not count toward fulfilling English requirements in Academic Foundation nor any degree credit.

ENGL 1321 Rhetoric & Composition I

Students will be introduced to the rhetorical triangle and the writing process as they write a serious of original essays. Students will explore various modes and aims of writing as the work through invention, planning, drafting, getting feedback, revising, editing, and proofreading. At the end of the semester, students should be able to create a thesis and adequately support it with a well-structured essay written in a clear coherent, and concrete style and present it to an audience either orally or in written form. Prerequisite: A grade of a "C" or higher in ENGL 1312 or appropriate score on placement test. (Offered Fall and Spring)


ENGL 1322 Rhetoric & Composition II

This course will introduce students to some of the history of rhetoric and the role it plays in civilization. The students will learn to apply an argumentative model in both analyses and composition of arguments. A variety of readings will allow the students the opportunity to think critically about the world and their relationship with it. The students will write essays which explore their own thinking and produce and argument that conveys their understanding. Prerequisite: ENGL 1321. (Offered Fall and Spring)