BIO 203 Human Form and Function

An exploration of how the human body's systems work in coordination with each other and in response to changes in the environment.


BIO 205 Foundations of Biology

Introductory principles of biology, including the nature of scientific inquiry, biochemistry, cell structure and function, genetics, and reproductive physiology. Three hours of lecture per week. Credit for BIO 205 will not be granted to students who have completed BIO 207.


BIO 206 Organismal and Population Biology

Introductory principles of biology including morphological and physiological analysis of plant and animal organisms, population biology, evolution, and ecology. Three hours of lecture per week.



BIO 276 may be taken concurrently.

BIO 207 Introductory Cell Biology and Genetics

Introductory principles of biology, including the nature of scientific inquiry, biochemistry and metabolism, protein structure and function, cell structure and function, and genetics and evolutionary mechanisms. Three hours of lecture per week. Credit for BIO 207 will not be granted to students who have completed BIO 205.



BIO 277 may be taken concurrently.

BIO 276 Organismal and Population Biology Lab

Laboratory investigation into the structure and function of living organisms. Three hours of laboratory per week. Fee: $60.



BIO 206

BIO 277 Introductory Cell Biology and Genetics Lab

Laboratory investigation into the biochemistry, cellular structure and function, and genetics of cells and living organisms. Three hours of laboratory per week. Fee: $60.



BIO 207

BIO 290 Directed Study

Independent study in a specialized field under the direction of a staff member. Maximum of eight credits under the number. Permission of the staff member is required.
