ECN - Economics

ECN 120 Principles of Macroeconomics

Investigates the determinants of national output, the unemployment rate, and inflation, as well as the use of monetary and fiscal policies to regulate the economy. Examines international trade and determinants of exchange rates.


ECN 121 Principles of Microeconomics

Analyzes the behavior of consumers, workers, and firms in market economies. Examines issues in the context of both competitive and monopolistic markets, with a comparison of the way in which prices and output levels are determined in different markets. Extends analysis to include the role of government in market economies.


ECN 310 Econometrics

Applies statistical methods to economic or financial data to investigate the validity of hypotheses or theoretical models. Develops various techniques used in multiple regression analysis of time series and cross-section data.



BUS 101, ECN 120, ECN 121, MTH 121, and MTH 161

ECN 319 Intermediate Microeconomics

Draws on the knowledge of economic theory, statistics, and calculus to provide managers with applicable tools for decisions regarding prices, production, and efficient resource allocation. Through problem-solving and hands-on projects, students learn the role of quantitative tools and economic theory in modern management.



BUS 101, ECN 120, ECN 121, MTH 121, and MTH 161

ECN 320 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Studies macroeconomic theories, including those about the determinants of output, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate in the short run, and those about the rate of economic growth in the long run. The predictions of these theories will be contrasted with economic experience in the US and elsewhere.



ECN 120, ECN 121

ECN 322 Environmental Economics

Provides economic analysis of public policy issues in resource utilization and environmental quality, considering political and macroeconomic aspects of environmental policy. Discussion includes externalities, property rights, benefit-cost analysis, and local water and air pollution issues. In addition, analyzes global problems such as acid rain and global warming.



ECN 121, Junior status.

ECN 325 Metrics for Sustainability

Covers current analytical frameworks and tools that leading-edge organizations are using to benchmark and improve environmental, social and financial performance. Includes environmental and social valuation techniques, life cycle analysis, and carbon footprinting.


ECN 120 or ECN 121

Cross Listed Courses

ENV 325

ECN 424 Income Inequality

Examines the determinants of incomes in market economies, including education, training, experience, hours worked, discrimination, inheritance, unions, and government transfers. Studies causes of change in the extent of inequality and social impacts of inequality. Analyzes government policies to reduce inequality, including anti-poverty policies.



ECN 121 or permission of instructor.

ECN 426 Comparative Economics

Examines major economies of the world from a historical, theoretical and applied perspective. Students will analyze how different national economic systems have evolved through time as changing economic ideas and practices spread across national boundaries.



ECN 120, ECN 121 or permission of instructor.

ECN 427 Sports Economics

Applies microeconomic concepts to analyze contemporary issues in professional and college athletics. Topics include the role of sports in society, the structure of sports markets, franchises, entry barriers, contracts and compensation, media, financing of new stadiums, ticket pricing, and labor-management disputes.



ECN 120, ECN 121

ECN 428 Public Finance

Studies the economics of the public sector, partly by examining the appropriate role for government in the economy. Course content focuses on the nature of public goods, externalities, and taxation. Topics include public choice, cost-benefit analysis, the incidence of taxes and an analysis of the effects of government resource allocation on private sector decisions.



ECN 120, ECN 121

ECN 429 Development Economics

Explores why some less-developed countries have seen substantial rises in living standards and others have not. Includes an examination of the roles of education, income distribution, the rural and urban sectors, technology, investment, financial markets, foreign trade, domestic institutions (like maquiladoras), and international institutions (like the World Bank).



ECN 120, ECN 121

ECN 440 International Economics

Examines how trade among nations takes place and why free trade may improve standard of living for all nations. Discusses payments among nations, i.e., the balance of payments and determination of currency values in the international markets.  Considers the effects of trade barriers and domestic monetary and fiscal policies.



ECN 120, ECN 121, MTH 161

ECN 490 Directed Study

Guided inquiry for superior students to pursue a particular subject area more intensively than course offerings permit. By special arrangement with economics faculty.

Credit arranged.

ECN 491 Seminar

In the semesters in which offered, varying subject matter as economics faculty deems appropriate for needs of the student in meeting the objectives of the undergraduate business program.

Credit arranged.

ECN 492 Seminar

In the semesters in which offered, varying subject matter as economics faculty deems appropriate for needs of the student in meeting the objectives of the undergraduate business program.

Credit arranged.

ECN 499 Senior Thesis

Research study or original work under the direction of a faculty mentor, leading to a scholarly thesis document with a public presentation of results. Requires approval of thesis director, department chair, dean, and the director of the honors program, when appropriate.

Credit arranged.


Senior and 3.0 G.P.A. in the thesis area or good standing in the honors program.