School of Nursing

Joane T. Moceri, Ph.D., dean

Susan B. Stillwell, D.N.P., associate dean

Faculty: Auxier, Banks, Barber, Braband, Cameron, Cheung, Chorpenning, Collazo, Cox, Converse, Craig, Davis Sills, Duda, Krautscheid, Lancaster, Limjuco, Mayer, Moceri, Napolitano, Nelson, Oakes, Potter, Rothacker-Peyton, Simmons, Stillwell, Stragnell,  Vermeesch, Wilson-Anderson


The School of Nursing offers a bachelor of science in nursing (B.S.N.), master of science, and doctor of nursing practice program. Convinced of the intrinsic dignity of the human person, the University believes that the best interests of nurses and, through them, of the persons to whom they minister, can most effectively be met and maintained by a program of study that integrates the professional courses with those primarily designed to develop the humane qualities of the students.

Professional nursing is a therapeutic profession with responsibilities of judgment, interpretive thinking, and critical analysis. Professional nurses must take their places as contributing, self-reliant members of the health-care team. In order to do this they must develop a broad understanding of people, society, and current health needs. They need to be able to discern changes in the social patterns and to develop a readiness to meet problems of the future. The upper-division B.S.N. program coursework, in combination with a blend of humanities and science courses, enables students to construct a substantial framework on which to build through experience, further academic study and life-long learning. Further, Omicron Upsilon, the University of Portland School of Nursing’s chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, invites to membership seniors and graduate students who have demonstrated superior academic achievement in nursing. Awarding membership encourages, fosters, and actively supports further professional development, thus promoting nursing scholarship, leadership, creativity, and commitment to nursing.

The baccalaureate program, courses and expected outcomes reflect professional standards and guidelines including The Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2008). The B.S.N. curriculum is designed to prepare graduates for the practice of professional nursing in a variety of settings. Graduates of the program are eligible to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), a requirement in all states to obtain professional Registered Nurse (R.N.) licensure, and may apply for appointments in the Air Force, Army or Navy nurse programs. The School of Nursing is approved by the Oregon State Board of Nursing, is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), and is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).


We are a diverse and innovative community who embody a passion for the profession by educating transformational leaders who intentionally practice the science, art and essence of nursing.

Vision: Educating nurses who make a difference.

Program Outcomes

The baccalaureate program in nursing at the University provides students with a liberal arts and science foundation followed by concentrated study in the professional nursing major. The program provides the students with the opportunity to develop competency in the assessment of health needs and in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health. A rich variety of settings are utilized to reflect the array of actual and potential health problems experienced by individuals, families, and communities throughout the life cycle.

The B.S.N. program outcomes are:

  1. Knowledge user: Practices theory guided, evidence-based nursing care representative of the various ways of knowing.
  2. Critical thinker: Demonstrates outcome-directed clinical reasoning in the delivery and management of safe client-centered nursing care.
  3. Spiritual carer: Promotes the spiritual dimension of health directed toward issues of meaning, hope, and faith.
  4. Culturally competent provider: Provides respectful and holistic care within a diverse and changing society.
  5. Steward: Uses physical, fiscal, and human resources to achieve quality, safe, and effective outcomes.
  6. Effective communicator: Communicates appropriately and effectively with clients, health care team members, stakeholders, policy-makers, and the public.
  7. Health care leader: Provides leadership in the design, delivery, management, and evaluation of health care.
  8. Health care advocate: Advocates for clients, society, and the nursing profession by applying principles of ethics, legal frameworks, and social justice in the provision of health care.
  9. Professional nurse: Incorporates the values and standards of the nursing profession in practice.

Student Handbook

The School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook is available on the School of Nursing website. Students have the responsibility to acquaint themselves with its contents and are held accountable for all statements therein.

Providence Scholars Program

The Providence Scholars program, a partnership between Providence Health and Services (PH&S) and the University of Portland, was created to address the national nursing shortage. Providence Scholars receive tuition assistance in the final five semesters of their Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (junior and senior years).  A UP grant of 25% coupled with assistance from PH&S gives students tuition coverage of just over 80%.  The student will sign a three-year, full-time employment contract with PH&S in exchange for tuition exchange.