VIII. Probation and Dismissal Due to Poor Scholarship

Any student who earns a semester G.P.A. below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation. A student who does not have a 2.0 G.P.A. at the 60 credit hour benchmark, may be disimissed. Furthermore, the records of those students who withdraw from more than four credit hours during a semester will be reviewed by the dean. When the academic progress of such a student is judged unsatisfactory, that student will be placed on academic probation.

If at the end of the next regular semester the student is not placed on probation, the student returns to regular academic standing. A student who is placed on probation for two semesters in any twelve-month period may be dismissed from the University.

In addition, regardless of the number of semesters on probation, a student may be dismissed if, in the opinion of the dean, the student’s academic progress is inadequate to assure successful continuation at the University. Students who have been dismissed from the University for academic reasons may appeal in writing to the Academic Standing Committee for a review of the decision of dismissal and/or for re-admission to the University. The letter should be addressed to the associate provost, who is chair of the Academic Standing Committee. It is only with the approval of this committee that a student, once dismissed, may be re-admitted to the University.