HPE HPE 107 Introduction to the Sport of Rowing

Introduction to the sport of Rowing; designed for the novice (beginner).  Includes basic technique and terminology, cardiovascular training (erging, rowing, running) and strength training.  Emphasis will also be placed on learning land and water safety, attention to details with equipment on and off the water, and rowing terminology.  All sessions will include both land and water training. (Graded on a pass/no pass basis)


HPE 108 Life Skills for Student Athletes

Recognizes the unique demands of college student athletes and assists them in acquiring skills which will allow them to respond to those challenges. Course content will reflect issues relevant to adjustment to college life; social, academic, and athletic performance demands.


HPE 109 Personal Fitness

Development of personal fitness goals in strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardio-respiratory endurance using a variety of exercise techniques, anaerobic and aerobic activities, and run/walk programs.


HPE 110 Beginning Weight Training

Introduction to weight training techniques for the development of muscular strength and endurance. The course includes the development of an individualized program.


HPE 111 Leadership Skills for Student Athletes

Recognizes the unique demands of college student athletes and assists them in acquiring skills which will allow them to respond to the challenges. Course content will focus student athletes' attention to athletic leadership, personal development, and peer mentoring.

HPE 115 Swimming Skill Improvement

Development of swimming techniques focusing on stroke improvement and achievement of personal goals.


HPE 116 Swim Conditioning

Development of fitness for swimming using a variety of training techniques to achieve individual goals.


HPE 117 Water Aerobics

Development of strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and feelings of well-being through aerobics in the water.