3.2.19 General Studies Committee


  1. The committee is responsible to the University Senate.
  2. The committee consists of a chair, five faculty members elected by the faculty, the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration, the director of the Honors General Studies Program, and the Registrar or designee. At least one faculty member should be elected from each of the following academic areas: humanities, sciences-mathematics-engineering, and professional-technical. Faculty members should be selected to favor broad academic representation and involvement in general studies courses.
  3. The chair is appointed from the faculty by the Vice President for Academic Administration. The term of the chair is two years and may be renewed once for a total consecutive term of four years.
  4. The term for elected faculty members if five years. Terms should overlap to provide continuity. 
  5. The work of the committee is to
    1. Conduct periodic, data-informed reviews of the overall effectiveness of the General Studies Program
    2. Develop recommendations and submit proposals for changes to the General Studies Program and its student learning outcomes
    3. Review proposals for adding or selecting courses in the General Studies Program as referred by the Curriculum Committee
    4. Oversee periodic assessment of the General Studies Program student learning outcomes
    5. Host an annual open form in which faculty are invited to discuss issues related to the General Studies Program
  6. The committee meets at least twice a month during the academic year. 


  1. Protocol
    1. The agendas are developed by the committee chairperson.

    2. Actions are taken by committee consensus or majority vote.

    3. Committee workload (average in clock hours per quarter):

      i. Chair: 60 hrs.

      ii. Member: 15 hrs.

    4. Review procedures

      The review work of the committee will proceed in a five-year cycle.

      i. All courses in the general studies program will be reviewed during the first four years to determine how well they support the student learning outcomes of the General Studies Program. Courses added to the General Studies Program will have their first review no sooner than two years after their introduction to the program.

      ii. Student learning outcomes will be reviewed during the fifth year to see how well they support the mission of the University.

      iii. The overall General Studies Program will be reviewed during each five-year cycle. The committee may accelerate the review cycle if deemed necessary.

    5. Compilation of materials and information

      During the fifth year of the five-year review cycle, the committee will summarize course and student learning outcome reviews in a written report that can be used to justify recommended changes in the program. This report, along with any proposed changes, will be presented to the University Senate.

    6. Proposals to add or delete general studies courses

    7. Academic departments submit proposals to add or delete courses in the General Studies Program to the Curriculum Committee in conjunction with any other departmental program changes. The Curriculum Committee relays those proposals to the General Studies Committee for review and recommendation. The results of the General Studies Committee's deliberation are included in the Curriculum Committee's report to the University Senate.

  2. Communication
    1. Minutes are recorded by a designated committee member.

    2. Copies of minutes are sent to the Curriculum Committee chair and the Central File.

    3. A copy of the summary report is sent to the Curriculum Committee chair.

    4. Copies of all recommendations relating to curriculum matters are sent to the Curriculum Committee.

  3. Documentation
    1. Rationale for actions are recorded in the committee minutes.

    2. -------

      The revisions represented in this section, 3.2.19, were recommended by University Senate and University Assembly during the 2020-2021 school year but are subject to a vote of the Board of Trustees on November 9, 2021.