The chair develops the agenda and distributes it at least two days in advance of Senate meetings.
Actions are taken by vote.
Committee workload (average in clock hours per quarter):
i. Chair: 180 hrs.
ii. Vice Chair: 40 hrs.
iii. Members: 20 hrs.
The workload for chair of Senate is considered to be 1/3rd of a standard teaching load, or four credits per quarter. The chair may opt to accept a teaching load reduction or any one of several other options (see Appendix P: University Senate Chair Consideration) and may change the selected option at the beginning of each quarter by notifying the Vice President for Academic Administration. No consideration is provided for summer quarter.
- The University Senate
i. Reviews specific academic matters that are new or that may have a broad effect on academic departments and the academic program
ii. Commissions the governance working committees responsible to Senate to develop appropriate policies
iii. Reviews and approves specific policy recommendations of the governance working committees responsible to Senate
iv. Accepts reports for information purposes from the governance working committees responsible to Senate and evaluates any proposed exceptions to policy which these reports may contain
v. Submits recommendations, policies, and reports to the faculty for information and submits major recommendations, new policies, and departures from policies to the faculty for approval
A member who necessarily must be absent should arrange for an alternate from the entity represented. An alternate is considered part of the quorum and is authorized to vote.
Prior to faculty actions, all Senate recommendations with pervasive effects on the academic program will be communicated in writing to Administration for review and response. Senate expects that prior to final administrative action, all administrative recommendations with pervasive effects on the academic program will be communicated in writing to the Senate for review and response.
Appeals in writing may be made by academic department chairs to the chair of Senate. These appeals concern issues acted on by working committees resulting in decisions deemed by the department chair to be adverse or unfair to the respective department. The appeal process may continue to the faculty if the department chair is not satisfied by the Senate decision. In most matters, the faculty will be the final arbiter.
Policy for Visitors to Senate
University Senate is a representative body with teaching faculty, administrative, staff, and student members. Faculty members, administrators, staff, and students of the University who wish to visit the senate are welcome but should make requests of the Senate chair through their senators. To allow for agenda planning, such requests should be made in advance of the meeting. Should alternative arrangements be necessary, visitors, including persons from off campus, must contact the Senate chair.
i. Invitees: The chair of the Senate may invite non-senators to observe or assist the senate in its deliberations.
ii. Visitors: Visitors usually attend as observers for informational purposes and do not take part in the proceedings. Those intending to speak at Senate should arrange in advance for agenda time. Visitors who wish to make group presentations should provide the Senate chair with a list of the people involved. A time limit for presentations will be established in keeping with the other items on the agenda.
Policy of Administrative Evaluations
The Director of Human Resources, in consultation with the Chair and Associate Chair of the Faculty, oversees design, content, and implementation of an evaluative survey to measure perceptions of administrator effectiveness. Evaluated administrators are the President, Vice Presidents, and Associate Vice Presidents. The survey will meet the following criteria:
The survey
i. Is administered online at least once every two years
ii. Maintains consistent evaluative measures across administrators and time
iii. Includes open-ended response options
iv. Is brief--10 or fewer questions recommended
The process
i. Includes notification to and opportunity for participation of all current faculty and staff
ii. Provides sufficient time and opportunity to respond
iii. Includes the option for administrators to suggest up to 3 questions of their choosing
iv. Maintains anonymity of respondents and privacy of data
The compiled survey results (both numeric and comments) for each administrator shall be accessible only to the President, the Board Chair, and the respective administrator. The compiled results of the President's survey shall be accessible only to the President, the Board Chair, and the Board Vice Chair
The President and the Chair of the Faculty will meet to view and confidentially consider the survey results for all administrators. In special cases, an administrator may request the President to substitute the Associate Chair of the Faculty to fulfill the role of the Chair of the Faculty concerning the viewing and consideration of their survey results.
Permanent records of all administrative surveys are maintained by the President's office.