3.3.2 Termination of Academic Programs


Recommendations to terminate an academic program (major, minor, degree, department, or school) may be initiated by the host department for the program or by the Vice President for Academic Administration.

The termination of academic programs will be approved by the following governance bodies in this order prior to implementation:

  1. Vice President for Academic Administration, chair or dean, and affected faculty

    Consult relating to the termination of an academic program. Meetings will be documented with official minutes given to the affected department/school.

  2. University Master Planning Committee (UMPC)

    Review the proposal considering the

    1. University mission

    2. Academic strategic plan

    3. University resources (both physical and budgetary)

    4. Overall demands of the program as compared to its contribution

  3. Curriculum Committee

    Review the impact of the program termination on curriculum, including other departments, and compare with similar programs in higher education, and work within parameters, if any, set by the UMPC

  4. University Senate

    Review and approve as appropriate

  5. University Assembly

    Review the proposal, ask questions and provide feedback. Without a two-thirds vote to veto, the recommendation goes to the President.

  6. WWU Board of Trustees

    Review the proposal in broad terms, understand its relationship to the mission of the institution, and ratify the termination of the program

Data gathered, including evaluative methods, documents, and recommendations of each committee shall be provided to subsequent committees in the process.

Recommendations to terminate academic programs that involve the termination of tenured and tenure-track faculty members are subject to established policies and processes (see Reason for Termination).