Health Studies BA

Exploring the Major – Students interested in this major should take HLT 200 Foundations of Health Studies as early as possible, to help them understand the fields of public health and health promotion and the health studies major. PSY 100, MAT 104, and BIO 101 should also be completed in the first two years if possible. Interested students are encouraged to speak with health studies advisors.

Admission to the Major – Completion of one Health course, preferably, HLT 200 Foundations of Health Studies and a consultation with a health studies advisor is required for admission to the major.

Course Sequencing Considerations – Students should take HLT 200 Foundations of Health Studies as early as possible in their college careers, to give them a foundation for the discipline. In addition, to complete within eight terms students should complete PSY 100, BIO 101, and MAT 104 as soon as feasible. Following HLT 200 Foundations of Health Studies, it is recommended that Health Studies majors take HLT/PSY 227 Health Psychology and HLT 300 Health Program Planning and Evaluation in a student’s second or third year. Some courses are taught in alternating years, so it is important to plan and begin the sequence as early as possible.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major  A grade of C or higher in core, capstone, and distribution courses is required for continuation in the major. Students receiving a lower grade may repeat that course to raise the grade while remaining in the major program. Certification in First Aid/CPR must be completed by the first term of the Senior year. May be met by taking HLT 109: Comprehensive First Aid or HHP 310: Adv Swimming and Lifeguard Training, or a community course approved by the student's academic advisor.

Other Considerations or Recommendations  Students planning to attend a graduate or professional school in a health field should study the requirements of these programs and incorporate these courses into their studies. Students planning to attend graduate school in public health may take additional statistics and algebra courses. Students planning to go to graduate school in a health sciences profession may need more science and/or other courses than this major requires. However, Health Studies majors can work with their advisors to fulfill distribution requirements with natural science courses. Students who want to be health workers in the U.S. should consider learning Spanish or other language common to the area in which they wish to work.