House Councils

A House Council is a body of representatives elected by the residents of the Council’s residence hall and empowered to promote the community and safety of the hall. This responsibility includes but is not limited to hosting programs for the residents, establishing Community Standards, and collaborating with the hall staff to serve the needs of the hall.

Community Standards are rules or guidelines developed by the House Council to support healthy community living. They may be tailored to the unique needs of the hall so long as they do not conflict with the higher authority of existing rules or policies of the College, and must be submitted to the Associate Dean of Student Life  (Student Life Administrative Office - Fairchild Hall Room 4) each term for review and approval.

With majority agreement of that hall’s residents, a House Council may petition to establish a separate judicial hearing body by residence hall election. Such a body would be empowered to hear charges of violations of the hall’s Community Standards, and to resolve disputes and complaints relative to activities within the hall. The members may either make a decision in a case or refer it to the Associate Dean of Student Life  (Student Life Administrative Office - Fairchild Hall Room 4) for consideration by another judicial body. In the event that an appeal of a House Council judicial body’s decision is submitted, it will be referred to either a Student Judicial Board or an Administrative Hearing Officer.