
Athletic Training - A.A. Degree (Transfer)

An Arts and Sciences Area of Study

Application Code 163

For curriculum information, contact the Health Sciences Division—Room HS-236—443-518-1560.

The Athletic Training area of study is designed for students who are interested in an allied health profession specializing in the health care of athletes. Athletic trainers function as integral members of the athletic health care team in secondary schools, colleges and universities, sports medicine clinics, professional sports programs, and other athletic health care settings. The athletic trainer specializes in the prevention, assessment, management, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. This area of study at Howard Community College is intended to prepare students for transfer to a four-year institution with an Athletic Training program accredited by the National Athletic Training Association.

General Education Core

Students enrolled in transfer patterns must take a minimum of 30 credits in General Education. Each student’s total of general education and required courses must equal at least 60 semester hours of credit.


Course NumberTitleCredits
ENGL-121College Composition

3 credits

Humanities, Arts and Literature

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Humanities Core Course

-Arts Core Course

-Literature Core Course


One Humanities Core Course (3 credits), plus one Arts Core Course (3 credits), plus one Literature Core Course (3 credits) satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement, OR a World Language Sequence (8 credits), plus another Humanities, Arts, and Literature Core (3 credits) in a second discipline other than a world language satisfies the Humanities, Arts and Literature Core requirement.

Social Sciences

Course NumberTitleCredits
-Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Course


PSYC-101General Psychology

3 credits

One History Core Course is required and may be taken as either a Social and Behavioral Sciences Core or a Humanities Core. No more than 6 credits may be taken in History to meet Humanities Core and Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirements.


Course NumberTitleCredits
BIOL-101General Biology I

4 credits

BIOL-203Anatomy and Physiology I

4 credits


Course NumberTitleCredits

4 credits


Course NumberTitleCredits
Interdisciplinary -Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Core Course


Required Courses Related to Major

Required Courses

Course NumberTitleCredits
BIOL-204Anatomy and Physiology II

4 credits

CHEM-101General Inorganic Chemistry I

4 credits


CHEM-103Fundamentals of General Chemistry

4 credits

HEED-112First Aid & Safety

3 credits

EXSC-101Introduction to Exercise Science

1 credit

EXSC-110Introduction to Athletic Training

1 credit

EXSC-150Sport and Society

3 credits

EXSC-200Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

3 credits

EXSC-209Sport and Exercise Nutrition

3 credits

EXSC-210Sport and Exercise Psychology

3 credits

SOCI-101Introduction to Sociology

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60-63