11.2.5. Dispute of Exam, Assignment, or tRAT Grades

The appeal process only applies to tRAT questions, not the iRAT questions. tRAT questions may be appealed if the team believes the answer submitted by the team is the correct answer or the ILM was missing what was necessary to answer the question.

Appeals must be submitted using the RAP appeal form within 24 hours to the course coordinator and must indicate the slide, page, or a screenshot of the ILM material they are referencing in the appeal. RAP appeals will not be accepted if they:

  1. Are submitted during class time or after 24 hours.  
  2. Reference a source outside of the ILM for that session.

Only appeals that meet the above criteria will be reviewed by the course coordinator. If a RAP appeal is approved by the course coordinator, credit will be given back only to the teams that submitted the question appeal. Incorrect answers submitted accidentally on tRATs are not subject to appeal process and will not be credited. When more than 45% of the class submits an incorrect answer, the course coordinator will perform an item analysis of that specific question performance, to ensure the questions are accurate, fair and mapped to the ILM source. Credit will be given to questions that do not meet the performance standards.


A student who wishes to question a grade on an exam or assignment must do so in writing within three school days of receipt of the grade. In the case of final examinations, students will have three school days from the date of notification of their grade by the course instructor. Requests for review of a grade must be submitted to the instructor in writing, with documentation supporting the request. The instructor is responsible for responding to the student within five school days from receipt of the dispute. Extenuating circumstances such as semester breaks or temporary unavailability of faculty may necessitate a longer interval between request and resolution. The faculty decision will be final.