19. The PA Program Clinical Team

Director of Clinical Education (DCE)

The Director of Clinical Education is responsible for coordinating the overall educational process during the clinical year. In this role, the DCE provides continuity and serves as a resource for preceptors interacting with the PA Program. The DCE works with potential preceptors to develop sites in accordance with clerkship goals and instructional objectives.


Clinical Education Placement Associate

This staff member assists the DCE in the coordination of the overall education process during the clinical year and is responsible for data collection, systems improvement, finances associated with the clinical year, and serves as the liaison between students, their preceptors, and clinical sites. 


Program Coordinator

This staff member facilitates student communication with the clinical sites and preceptors, as well as, other administrative aspects of the clinical year. Primary responsibility includes facilitating onboarding of students at their clinical sites. 


Clinical Coordinator

The Clinical Coordinator is the primary point of contact for students participating in clerkship experiences within an affiliated site. The Clinical Coordinator will engage in ongoing recruitment, support of our clinical preceptors, and ensure quality clinical experiences for IHP PA students at those sites.


Primary Clinical Preceptor

The Primary Clinical Preceptor is responsible for the on-site supervision and evaluation of students in the clinical clerkship courses. Preceptors may be board-certified physicians in the discipline being studied, NCCPA-certified PAs, or other licensed health care providers qualified in their area of instruction and will oversee students in their clinical activities.


Adjunct Lecturers

Adjunct lecturers provide intermittent instruction during the clinical phase of the Program in one or more areas of specific expertise.