Degree Requirements

The University reserves the right to change the requirements for earning a degree at any time.

Residency Requirement

NLU's Undergraduate Residency Requirement must be met for all students completing baccalaureate degrees:

  • 60 QH of the degree program must be taken at NLU:
    • Maximum of 15 QH can be earned through Credit for Prior Learning (including NLU's internal Prior Learning Portfolio Assessment, American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations for Military Experience and Professional Training, nationally recognized examinations such as DSST, CLEP, Excelsior College Exams (ECE), and Advanced Placement (AP)) unless approved by the college Academic Standards Committee (CPSA) or Academic Policies Committee (NCE)
  • Of the 45 QH minimum major, 25 QH must be upper-level and 15 QH of the upper-level coursework must be taken at NLU
  • The last 45 QH taken for a degree must be taken at NLU:

    • Credit for Prior Learning, including DSST, CLEP, Excelsior College Exams (ECE), Advanced Placement (AP), American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations, credit by portfolio and license/certification as well as NYU exams may count toward the last 45 QH required to be taken at NLU 
Note: Specific programs may have additional residency requirements. 

All Baccalaureate Degree Programs

All students completing baccalaureate degree programs must:

  • Be formally admitted to the program from which he or she is requesting a degree
  • Complete a minimum of 180 quarter hours
  • Have a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average (some programs require a higher grade point average)
  • Fulfill the General Education Core Requirements
  • Satisfy all the requirements and regulations of the individual college and program by the term completion date. Please see the program information related to degree requirements.
  • Complete the residency requirement of his or her college and program (minimum 60 quarter hours)
  • Take the last 45 quarter hours for his or her degree at NLU
Note: Certain programs at NLU allow the completion of up to five courses (22.5 quarter hours/15 semester hours) of specifically designed graduate coursework and apply such coursework to both baccalaureate and master's degrees. The following criteria apply:
  • The student must be within 45 quarter hours of graduation
  • The student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 of higher through the academic term preceding the term in which the graduate course will be completed
  • The student must fulfill all pre-requisite and/or co-requisite requirements of the course
  • To earn undergraduate credit, the student must meet the minimum grade requirements established by their undergraduate major
  • To be eligible to receive graduate credit for the course upon enrollment in the graduate program, the student must earn a grade of "B" or higher in the course

Second Baccalaureate Degree Policy

Students who wish to earn a second baccalaureate degree must fulfill all University and program requirements for the degree in a field unrelated to the first baccalaureate. The definition of an unrelated field will be determined by the program in which the second degree is earned. A minimum of 60 quarter hours of additional credit must be earned in residence after requirements of the first degree have been met.

Students Receiving Dual Baccalaureate Degrees

A student applying for two baccalaureate degrees from National Louis University will be required to pay the same fee as someone applying for one degree. Payment of this fee will entitle the student to:

  • Have the appropriate graduation audits done and receive a copy of them
  • Have the official transcript reflect awarding of both degrees upon completion of all requirements for both of them
  • Receive one diploma reflecting the awarding of one of the degrees (student may choose at the time of application which degree is to be reflected on the diploma). If the student wishes a second diploma for the remaining degree, an additional fee will be charged.

Post-Baccalaureate Degrees

All students completing post-baccalaureate degree programs must:

  • Be formally admitted to the program
  • Satisfy all the requirements and regulations of the individual college and program by the term completion date
  • Fulfill all degree requirements, including required coursework, thesis, research project and comprehensive examination as required by the student's specific degree program, within the time frame specified by the college and the program
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Have all the grades in the program be a "C" or better
  • Fulfill the residency requirement for his or her particular degree or program
Certain programs at NLU allow the completion of up to five courses (22.5 quarter hours/15 semester hours) of specifically designed doctoral coursework and apply such coursework to both master's and doctoral degrees. The following criteria apply:
  • The student must fulfill all pre-requisite and/or co-requisite requirements of the course
  • To earn graduate credit, the student must meet the minimum grade requirements established by their graduate degree program
  • To be eligible to receive graduate credit for the course upon enrollment in the doctoral program, the student must earn a grade of "B" or higher in the course 
Note: Credit for a course may be applied to no more than two degree programs. The second degree must be substantially different from the first degree. The student must meet all requirements for the second degree and complete at least 25% of the coursework in order to earn a second degree.

Application for Degree

Students must apply for a degree. The transcript will not reflect the degree earned unless the application for the degree has been processed. Each degree conferral date has a final deadline for application. These deadline dates are published each term on the Office of Admissions and Records website.

Students who may be eligible for a degree are notified of the degree deadlines through their student email. Students who apply for degrees after the published deadline will be included as candidates for the next degree conferral date. Students may apply for a degree and diploma or change the degree conferral date for a previous application on the Office of Admissions and Records website.

Except in cases of clerical error, students’ academic records are closed upon granting of the degree.

No transcript or diploma will be issued if there is any outstanding financial encumbrance.