2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog / Policies / Standards of Student Conduct
The University requires an environment conducive to intellectual and personal growth of its students. National Louis University seeks to cultivate a sense of personal integrity in each of its students. Students are expected, therefore, to strive toward this objective and to develop as individuals in a manner that is consistent with the educational purposes of the University. A student is subject to the Conduct Process for allegations of misconduct in violation of the following policies:
Policy on Acceptable Use of Information Systems
Policy on Comprehensive Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence
Policy on Conceal and Carry
Policy on Disruption of University Business or Events
Policy on Falsification of Records
Policy on Gambling
Policy on Hazing, Bullying and Cyber-Bullying
Policy on NLU Property
Policy on Requests by Officials of the University
Policy on Substance Abuse
Policy on Violations of University Policy, State or Federal Laws
Policy on Violence and Threats of Violence
Student Conduct Process