HSM 401 Principles and Practices

This course introduces students to the study of human services management by combining an overview of management practices in the profession with an exploration of the students’ interest areas within it. Students explore the role of a manager in human services and the successful transition to and advancement in the managerial role.  Students discuss the stakeholders in human services, diversity of services offered and specialties of providers, and accountability for outcomes to various stakeholders. Students also explore the key aspects of managing self, employees, and relationships with external organizations, such as boards, unions, trade organizations, volunteers, and consultants. This is an advanced standing course that may count toward both baccalaureate and master's degrees. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 201, HSM 202, HSM 203, HSM 304, HSM 305, and HSM 306. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
