Humanities Minor

The Humanities minor allows students to supplement their major with an interdisciplinary investigation into enduring human questions, the artistic expressions and intellectual artifacts that seek to answer them, and the rich histories and cultures in which those answers have been developed and celebrated. The Humanities minor offers various schema that students can use to interpret their world and to begin to articulate their own understandings rooted in their own unique narratives and perspectives. This minor is designed to create a model of inquiry-based and experiential learning in the humanities as we apply best practices in rigorous interpretive and analytic writing instruction within the Undergraduate College. It will also serve as a venue for meaningful connections and opportunities for students in the city of Chicago and surrounding areas.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon completion of their Humanities minor, students will have engaged in a preparation to:

  1. Synthesize competencies in the major subfields of the humanities (Specialized Knowledge)
  2. Interpret and evaluate complex texts from the major subfields of the humanities (Specialized Knowledge)
  3. Practice and refine oral and written dialogue around humanities topics and themes (Intellectual Skills -- Communicative Fluency)
  4. Conduct and evaluate research in interdisciplinary scholarship (Intellectual Skills -- Use of Information Resources)
  5. Critically analyze artistic productions in context and synthesize the relationship between art and the human condition (Applied and Collaborative Learning)
  6. Evaluate knowledge of how marginalized groups resist oppression through humanistic endeavors (Intellectual Skills -- Ethical Reasoning, Civic and Global Learning)
  7. Apply themes from the humanities and programmatic experiences to professional goals and/or further studies (Professional Skills)

Minor Details:

  • Requires 30 QH for completion
  • Requires completion of 15 QH at NLU
  • Requires a grade of "C" or better in all courses in the Minor

Required Courses

Humanities Minor

HUM 305Art and Power


HUM 306A People’s History of Chicago


HUM 490Independent Study in the Humanities


Choose 15 QH from below

HUM 307Digital Humanities and Storytelling


HUM 308Mass Incarceration


HUM 309Grind, Hustle, and Flow: The Ways We Work


HUM 311In Search of the Meaning of Life