International Admission for M.A. English

Fredonia Direct Admission (FID)

The Fredonia Direct Admission path is for international students who meet all academic eligibility and admission requirements of the program and have minimum TOEFL score of 79 or an IELTS score of  6.5 (with no subsection score below 6.0)

To apply, submit the following:

  1. Fredonia Graduate Studies App:
  2. Application Fee - $75
  3. Authenticated transcript(s) showing an undergraduate GPA equivalent to 3.0 or better (as evaluated by WES) in an English or related major program leading to a B.A. degree. International applicants must provide official copies of all previous degrees/diplomas and transcripts issued in the original language with a literal English translation of each. Proof of an official certification of the award of any and all degrees must be provided.  Include documentation describing in which language the courses were taught.  The latter can be included in a separate document as a chart or statement
  4. Two current (within six months) letters of recommendation which include contact information so that the English Graduate Program Coordinator has the option of contacting anyone who has submitted a letter on your behalf. Letters should indicate the applicant’s ability to engage in intensive research, reading and writing in English.
  5. A resume and a statement of your background and goals for pursuing an M.A. in English at Fredonia.
  6. A writing sample (minimum 8 double-spaced pages, in English) providing evidence of the use of critical secondary sources to analyze literary and/or cultural texts (MLA or Chicago style preferred).
  7. Passport copy
  8. Financial Statement and Proof of Income

Conditional Admission (FID)

The Conditional Admission path is for International students who do not meet certain elements of the Fredonia Direct Admission requirements. On Direct Admission application, one may still be considered if any of the following apply.

  • Applicants who are below stated English proficiency for Fredonia direct admission may be admitted conditionally, with admission to EC English to improve proficiency levels. Applicants who score below 79 on TOEFL or whose writing sample does not provide evidence of the use of standard written English and/or the ability to use critical secondary sources to analyze literacy and/or cultural texts may resubmit these application materials following coursework at EC English. Conditionally accepted students will not be allowed to take graduate English courses until the required demonstration of oral and written proficiencies, as evidenced by the TOEFL and an accepted application (including a writing sample), have been met.

Applicants who do not have the equivalent of a Bachelor of Arts degree in English may be admitted if they have done substantive work in a cognate field with substantial work in literature, culture and/or writing (equivalent to a minor, or concentration) in English.

EC English Direction Admission (VID)

The EC English Direct Admission path is for students seeking ESL instruction who may need additional English language study prior to admission.

This program is for anyone preparing for university admission, seeking an advantage in the workplace, or expanding their career opportunities and other than a F1 visa. With a focus on fluency, this program improves English while working on the 4 skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 

To apply email Daniel Heckmyer, Campus Manager:

Be prepared to submit the following:

  1. Affidavit of Support
  2. Proof of funds in US dollars
  3. Registration Fee - $150
  4. Passport Copy