Credit by Examination

Credit for Entering Freshmen (New Students without Prior College Credit)

An entering freshman who has attained proficiency in college-level courses prior to enrollment at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor may earn semester credit hours through the Credit by Examination programs listed below. (Refer to the current UMHB Testing Services information on-line at for a complete list of approved examinations, minimum scores, additional requirements, and corresponding courses.)

  1. American College Testing (ACT) Program - National Assessments Only
  2. CollegeBoard Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
  3. CollegeBoard SAT College Admission Test
  4. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Examinations
  5. Departmental Examinations

Credit for Transfer Students

Credit by examination secured through another college or university by a student transferring to UMHB must meet the minimum score requirements stated in the Testing Services brochure in effect at the time of the request. An official ACT, AP, or CLEP test score report must be sent to the Registrar for evaluation of the credit.

Credit for Currently Enrolled Students

Currently enrolled students seeking credit by examination may earn semester hours through CLEP or Departmental Examinations. (Refer to the current Testing Services policies for a complete explanation of these programs.) The following conditions must be met by such students:

  1. Prerequisites for courses for which a student is seeking credit must be satisfied prior to the examination.
  2. Permission for department examinations must be secured from the specific subject area department chairperson. (A student seeking credit through a department examination during his or her last thirty hours must secure a petition from the Dean of the student’s college before requesting permission from the department chairperson.)
  3. Application for CLEP examinations must be made at the Counseling, Testing & Health Services Center. Arrangements for department examinations must be made through the respective academic department. (Students with disabilities should make arrangements at the time of application to test under conditions that meet their pre-approved, documented requirements.)
  4. Fees must be paid for test administration and for transcription of credit awarded.

Students in the Armed Forces

CLEP and DANTES examinations are available to students in the armed forces through the Education Center at Fort Hood.


Official credit by examination policies are listed in the Testing Services brochure and can be obtained from the Counseling, Testing & Health Services Center or on-line at The following are some important policies:

  • Credit for any course a student has previously audited, taken for noncredit, received a “D” grade in, or failed may not be earned by examination.
  • Duplicate credit will not be awarded.
  • Grade points are not earned through credit by examination.
  • Residence hours may not be earned through credit by examination.
  • No more than one-fourth of the total semester credit hours required for a degree may be earned through credit by examination.
  • Students may not use more than six hours of credit by exam for English or Writing courses. This includes credits earned by any combination of exams (AP, CLEP, etc.)
  • Credit earned by examination will be placed on a student’s transcript after the official score report is received, processed, and the transcription fee is paid.
  • Processing of transcripts is accomplished by the Registrar’s Office.