Chapel (UMHB 1002)

A complete education includes experiences that seek to develop the mind, body, and spirit. Chapel attendance, therefore, is an integral part of the educational process and one of the distinctive features of attending a Christian university. All full-time, degree-seeking students are required to receive credit (no grade) for chapel attendance. Regular chapel programs are held each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the W. W. Walton Chapel. Informative and inspirational programs are presented. More information is available on the Spiritual Life website. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend.

Chapel Attendance Requirements

Satisfactory chapel attendance requirements are as follows:

Incoming Freshmen (and transfer students with less than thirty semester hour credits accepted by UMHB) must acquire four semesters of chapel credit at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Transfer Students:

Sophomores (students with thirty to fifty-nine semester hour credits accepted by UMHB) must acquire three semesters of chapel credit.

Juniors (students with sixty to eighty-nine semester hour credits accepted by UMHB) must acquire two semesters of chapel credit.

Seniors (students with ninety or more semester hour credits accepted by UMHB) must acquire one semester of chapel credit during the first semester of attendance at UMHB.

    **Students who transfer from other Baptist institutions will be given credit for chapel according to the number of semesters for which they have credit on their transcript. Credit is not given for the number of chapels they were required to attend each week. It is given only for the number of semesters they attended chapel. For students who transfer from institutions other than Baptist who were required to attend chapel, credit will be given only after approval from the Dean of Students.

    • Chapel attendance is mandatory. Registered students must make every attempt to attend all required sessions. Attendance is checked at each chapel service. Chapel attendance at live services is electronically recorded by scanning student identification cards. Should students are invited or directed to attend chapel services virtually via Canvas, attendance will be awarded to students who watch the service and complete any associated online questions.
    • Chapel absences for authorized field trips are excused. The faculty advisor will present a list of participating students to the Provost’s Office. Requests for excused absences should be directed to the Dean of Students.
    • Students are permitted up to three unexcused absences from chapel each semester. These absences should be used for doctor’s appointments or other health and family emergencies.
    • Students who have class conflicts, practicums, or internships that prevent them from attending live chapel services on Wednesdays at both 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. should apply for Alternative Chapel through the Student Development Office. If approved, they will be assigned to a section of the course that allows them to complete all chapel requirements online for the semester in question.
    • If attendance records indicate that a student did not attend the required number of chapels or did not make up the absences, then that student will receive a non-credit for chapel on the grade report for that semester. Students are responsible for making sure they have fulfilled all requirements for attendance and can check the records of attendance kept in the Student Development Office. If a student feels that an error has been made, he/she has until the first two weeks of the following semester to question the accuracy of the records.
    • Non-degree seeking students are not required to fulfill chapel requirements. Non-degree seeking students shall be defined as follows:

                Students entering UMHB on Non-Degree Admissions application form.

                Students entering UMHB with a Baccalaureate Degree seeking to obtain a teacher’s certificate or course work to prepare for entry into a professional school such as pre-law courses        necessary to enter law school.

    (Note: All students included here are not involved in course work requiring their graduation from UMHB or other college or university).

    • Part-time students are to begin fulfilling chapel requirements the first semester they take twelve or more semester hours. They shall be expected to take chapel each semester thereafter, during which they are considered full-time students.

    Chapel Registration

    To register for chapel, students must sign up for a section of course number UMHB 1002. When a student registers for classes, he/she should also register for chapel. Direct any questions regarding chapel registration to the Student Development Office at (254)295-4590. Students are advised to sign up for chapel the first semester they begin as a full-time student. By doing this, scheduling conflicts later on may be avoided.