Catholic Studies

Required: PCS 300 and PCS 452 and 12 upper-division hours from Program in Catholic Studies (PCS) listed courses:

At least three of which must be :

PCS 334, PCS 435, PCS 472, PCS 469, PCS 402, PCS 422, PCS 425, PCS 438, PCS 441, PCS 442, PCS 453, PCS 456, PCS 457, PCS 463, PCS 482, or PCS 486.

At least six of which must be :

PCS 350, PCS 351, PCS 320, PCS 323, PCS 330, PCS 332, PCS 426, PCS 456, PCS 459, PCS 333, PCS 335, PCS 345, PCS 354, PCS 467, PCS 400, PCS 426 or a PCS summer study abroad program.