AS - Aerospace Studies

AS 101 Foundations of U.S. Air Force

Survey course briefly treating topics relating to the Air Force and defense. Focuses on the structure and missions of Air Force organizations; officership and professionalism; and introduction to communication skills.


AS 102 Foundations of U.S. Air Force

Survey course briefly treating topics relating to the Air Force and defense. Focuses on the structure and missions of Air Force organizations; officership and professionalism; and introduction to communication skills.


AS 111 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 101 and 102, respectively. A weekly laboratory consisting of Air Force customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, and drill and ceremonies.


AS 112 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 101 and 102, respectively. A weekly laboratory consisting of Air Force customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, and drill and ceremonies.


AS 201 The Evaluation of USAF Air & Space Power

Survey course concerned with the beginnings of manned flight; development of aerospace power in the United States including the employment of air power in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War; and the peaceful employment of U.S. air power in humanitarian actions, scientific missions, and support of space exploration.


AS 202 The Evaluation of USAF Air & Space Power

Survey course concerned with the beginnings of manned flight; development of aerospace power in the United States including the employment of air power in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War; and the peaceful employment of U.S. air power in humanitarian actions, scientific missions, and support of space exploration.


AS 211 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 201 and 202. Provides students opportunities to demonstrate fundamental management skills and prepares cadets for Field Training.


AS 212 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 201 and 202. Provides students opportunities to demonstrate fundamental management skills and prepares cadets for Field Training.


AS 301 Leadership & Management

Anatomy of leadership and management examining the need for leadership, the role of discipline in leadership situations, and the variables affecting leadership. Students deal with actual problems and complete projects associated with planning and managing the Leadership Laboratory.


AS 302 Leadership & Management

Anatomy of leadership and management examining the need for leadership, the role of discipline in leadership situations, and the variables affecting leadership. Students deal with actual problems and complete projects associated with planning and managing the Leadership Laboratory.


AS 311 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 301 and 302. Provides students opportunities to use fundamental management skills while planning and conducting corps activities.


AS 312 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 301 and 302. Provides students opportunities to use fundamental management skills while planning and conducting corps activities.


AS 401 National Security Affairs & Preparation for Active Duty

Capstone course designed to prepare students for active duty as second lieutenants in the United States Air Force. Course covers the role of the military in the U.S. government, regional studies, the national defense structure, military law, ethics, and advanced communication skills.


AS 402 National Security Affairs & Preparation for Active Duty

Capstone course designed to prepare students for active duty as second lieutenants in the United States Air Force. Course covers the role of the military in the U.S. government, regional studies, the national defense structure, military law, ethics, and advanced communication skills.


AS 411 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 401 and 402. Provides students opportunities to use leadership skills in planning and conducting corps activities. Prepares students for commissioning and entry into the active duty Air Force.


AS 412 Leadership Laboratory

Taken in conjunction with AS 401 and 402. Provides students opportunities to use leadership skills in planning and conducting corps activities. Prepares students for commissioning and entry into the active-duty Air Force.


AS 421 Leadership Laboratory

Provides students opportunities to use management skills in planning and conducting corps activities. Prepares students for commissioning and entry into the active-duty Air Force.


AS 422 Leadership Laboratory

Provides students opportunities to use management skills in planning and conducting corps activities. Prepares students for commissioning and entry into the active-duty Air Force.