Graduate Courses

CE 504 Construction Engineering

Construction management and planning, management organization, principles and procedures for estimating and bidding of construction projects, construction contracts, contract documents, construction insurance and bonds; labor law, labor relations, and project safety; project planning and scheduling techniques, including CPM, PERT; resource allocations; project control and treatment of uncertainty.


CE 511 Pavement Design

Design of flexible and rigid pavements; physical and chemical properties of pavement components and highway material characterization; pavement distress and performance evaluation. Introduction to pavement evaluation, rehabilitation, and pavement management.


CE 516 Traffic Engineering

Introduction to traffic engineering; traffic stream components and characteristics; fundamental principles of traffic flow; studies of traffic speed, volume, travel time, delay, and pedestrian; capacity analysis of freeways, highways, signalized and unsignalized intersections; traffic control devices; traffic signals; traffic accidents and safety; and traffic management.


CE 552 Earthquake Engineering

Response of structures to seismic loads and ground motion. Response spectra and their application to earthquake analysis of structures. Seismic design criteria and provisions for buildings and other structures. Use of current codes for earthquake resistant design of structures.


CE 562 Sustainable Design

This course will address aspects that contribute to the design of sustainable communities. Topics will include: sustainable measures, facility location, stormwater management, water use, energy use, appropriate materials, and waste minimization. Guest speakers and field trips will be featured.


CE 564 Water Resources Engineering

Advanced study of the hydrologic cycle; rainfall and streamflow measurement and analysis, surface and groundwater occurrence and movement. Prediction of infiltration, evapotranspiration, runoff, and unit hydrograph analysis. Flood and drought probability analysis. Introduction to reservoir operation and flood routing. Design aspects culminate in engineering design reports.


CE 566 Water and Wastewater Design

Advanced study of the fundamental concepts required to design and operate processes used for drinking water treatment and distribution and wastewater collection and disposal. Design of physical, chemical, and biological processes for water treatment and wastewater disposal. Design of water supply and wastewater collection infrastructure. Design aspects culminate in engineering design reports.


CE 568 Environmental Engineering Topics

Introduction to the technology used to manage solid and hazardous wastes and remediate sites contaminated with toxic chemicals. Sanitary landfill design, risk assessment, remedial investigations and feasibility studies, fate and transport analysis. Introduction to air pollution modeling and air pollution treatment technologies.


CE 590 Directed Study

Credit arranged.


CE 591 Seminar

Credit arranged.


CE 592 Seminar

Credit arranged.


CE 593 Research

Faculty-directed student research. Before enrolling, a student must consult with a faculty member to define the project. May be repeated for credit.

CE 599 Thesis

Credit arranged.
