Graduate Courses

MUS 500 Research Techniques in the Performing Arts

Intensive examination of research methods and resources and the principles of advanced scholarly writing in the performing arts. Must be taken within the first nine hours of graduate study.


Cross Listed Courses

DRM 500

MUS 501 Seminar in Music Styles and Analysis

Review of style characteristics and theoretical analysis techniques for the graduate student. Particular emphasis given to aural perception and analysis, and research using the major resource collections of musical literature. Required of all graduate students in music.


MUS 506 Studies in Counterpoint

Free approach to tonal polyphony leading to contemporary techniques employing unusual scale forms. Offered by special arrangement.


MUS 507 Scoring and Arranging

An advanced study of techniques in effective scoring and arranging for various instrumental and vocal ensembles at the graduate level.


MUS 509 Studies in Composition

Contemporary techniques of composition as applied to vocal and instrumental media. Offered by special arrangement. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 units.


MUS 510 Fundamentals of Music Technology

A complete basic course in the understanding of electronic music. Topics include history, analog theory, methods of synthesis, digital theory, music instrument digital interface (MIDI), computers, audio recording, and digital sampling. Lab activities to be completed weekly. Open to all students with instructor approval. Fee: $30.


MUS 531 Advanced Conducting Techniques

Techniques of conducting choral and instrumental ensembles with practical experience in laboratory situations. Offered in alternate years and/or by special arrangement.


MUS 542 Guitar Ensemble

An ensemble experience for guitar players of sufficient skill. Literature of all style periods will be performed. Enrollment by permission of instructor. May be taken four times for credit.


MUS 543 University Concert Band

Ensemble for the reading and performing of all styles of band literature. Open to all University students with the permission of the director. May be taken four times for credit.


MUS 544 University Singers

Repertoire includes music from all periods and styles. Open to all University students by audition. May be taken four times for credit.


MUS 545 University Community Orchestra

Open to University students and members of Portland and suburban communities with permission of the director. Devoted to the performance of a wide variety of orchestral literature. Opportunities for solo performance. May be taken four times for credit.


MUS 547 Chamber Music

An ensemble that studies and rehearses chamber music. Repertoire is determined by the instruments played by students. May be repeated 4 times for credit.



Permission of instructor.

MUS 552 University Choral Union

A women's choir, open to all students without audition. Participants need not be music majors. Repertoire drawn from wide variety of musical styles. May be taken four times for credit.



Permission of instructor.

MUS 553 University Jazz Ensemble

Performance of contemporary literature for this medium. Open to all University students with permission of the director. May be taken four times for credit.


MUS 555 Musical Theatre Workshop

Study of theatrical singing and acting techniques applicable to all varieties of musical theatre pieces. In this combined undergraduate and graduate student pool, graduate students will be expected to take on more challenging pieces and to provide mentoring to those undergraduates who require it.


Cross Listed Courses

DRM 555

MUS 586 Private Lessons

Graduate level private instruction, performance, and literature. See MUS 286 for particular disciplines. May be repeated for credit with permission of graduate program director. See Performance Study Handbook for specific requirements. Fee: $300.


MUS 590 Directed Study

Maximum of six hours of directed study allowed.


MUS 599 Thesis

Research document, or performance and related research document.
