PCS 400 Integrating Seminar in Environmental Studies

A project-oriented seminar in which student teams with varying backgrounds in environmental studies develop action plans to deal with regional environmental issues.


Cross Listed Courses

ENV 400

PCS 426 Comparative Economics

Examines major economies of the world from a historical, theoretical and applied perspective. Students will analyze how different national economic systems have evolved through time as changing economic ideas and practices spread across national boundaries.



ECN 120, ECN 121 or permission of instructor.

Cross Listed Courses

ECN 426

PCS 435 Bioethics

This course will examine ethical issues in medicine, biotechnology, and related fields. Issues to be discussed may include the concept of informed consent, stem cell research, reproductive technologies, human enhancement, end of life issues, the global AIDS epidemic, genetics, biomedical research, and justice in the distribution of healthcare.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 435

PCS 452 Capstone Seminar in Catholic Studies and Social Justice

This course will engage each student in a service practicum in a local parish or agency, while studying how Catholic thought, culture, and principles of social justice are practiced there. The course will require a synthesis of readings on social justice and Catholic thought, as well as the practical experience gained.


Cross Listed Courses

SJP 452, PSY 452

PCS 456 Literary Catholicism

This course will explore the Catholic theological tradition, primarily as it finds expression in six novels whose writing is influenced by that tradition.


Cross Listed Courses

THE 456

PCS 469 Great Philosophers

This course is devoted to an intensive study of the work of a single philosopher. Different philosophers will be featured in different semesters.


Cross Listed Courses

PHL 469

PCS 472 Medieval Philosophy

The major philosophers from Augustine through late scholasticism with particular attention to Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Bonaventure, Scotus, and Ockham. Taught biennially.



PHL 220 or equivalent

Cross Listed Courses

PHL 472

PCS 482 Theology in Ecological Perspective

This course investigates the relationship between theology and science, the science of ecology and the related field of environmental science, the major aspects of our current environmental crisis, underlying historical and social reasons for this crisis, and current attempts to reformulate Christian theology from the perspective of ecology. This course also explores possible solutions for a sustainable future.


Cross Listed Courses

THEP 482, ENV 482