Early Alert Program

Rev. John Donato, C.S.C., Ed.D., director

Thomas Greene, Ed.D., director

The early alert program is intended to support undergraduate students and is accessed primarily by faculty and staff, but also by students and parents. While most students at the University experience success in their academic and social experiences, the University is committed to helping all students reach their potential. Students manifesting acute medical, mental, or academic issues can be referred to the Early Alert referral system. Early Alert personnel will then contact the student and if the student responds to the contact and agrees to the support, the student is referred to one of many support personnel on campus (campus ministry, counseling, medical, Freshman Resource Center, academic centers, etc.) to activate the appropriate support. To refer a student to early alert, simply find "Early Alert" listed on the pull-down menu under "Academics" on the University's home page. The early alert webpage is http://www.up.edu/earlyalert/.

Contact numbers are: 

Shepard Freshman Resource Center:  (503) 943-7895

Campus Ministry: (503) 943-7131

Health and Counseling Center:  (503) 943-7134

Residence Life:  (503) 943-7205

Learning Assitance:  (503) 943-7134

Students With Disabilities: (503) 943-7134