Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Learning Outcomes

The bachelor of science in secondary education leads to recommendation for Oregon licensure for two levels of authorization: middle level and high school education. Subject area endorsements are available in biology, chemistry, French, German, language arts, advanced mathematics, music, physics, social studies, and Spanish. We also offer a course of study to prepare high school religion teachers.

General degree outcomes are listed below. Candidates for the degree will be able to:

  • Plan instruction that supports student progress in learning in content areas and is appropriate for the middle school and high school developmental levels.
  • Establish a classroom climate conducive to learning.
  • Engage students in planned learning activities.
  • Evaluate, act upon, and report student progress in learning.
  • Exhibit professional behaviors, ethics, and values.

Degree Requirements

To qualify for the degree and recommendation for Oregon licensure, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Passage of NES EAS (National Evaluation Series Essential Academic Skills) subtest I, II, and III (TSPC determines passing scores);
  2. Completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours of study;
  3. Successful completion of all coursework with a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.50;
  4. A minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.70 in all education classes;
  5. A grade of C or better in all education courses (candidates who receive a grade of C- or lower in any education course must repeat the course);
  6. Completion of a teaching endorsement (major) in at least one of the secondary endorsement areas with a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.70 in that area and a grade of a C in all endorsement classes. Ordinarily, a minimum of 75 percent of the credits in an endorsement area of the secondary specialty area must be taken at the University of Portland for a secondary undergraduate major to student teach in that area. The permission of the associate dean must be obtained for an exception;
  7. Passage of ORELA subject area tests (TSPC determines passing scores);
  8. Successful completion of student teaching to include two work samples;
  9. Recommendation for licensure from the associate dean;
  10. Subject to approval by the dean, candidates who are not able to complete student teaching and student teaching seminar and/or other licensure requirements may be recommended for graduation without licensure by substituting upper-division educational coursework which meets University requirements for a degree.

See University Core Requirements

Degree Requirements

Major Requirements — 81 hours

ED 150Introduction to Education


ED 231MS/HS Human Development


ED 301MS/HS Psychology of Learning


ED 320/SJP 320Foundations of Education


ED 330Policies and Practices for Diverse Learners


ED 411Assessment


ED 427MS/HS Classroom Relationships and Management


ED 450Models of Teaching and Literacy Development


ED 452MS/HS Content Methods: Language Arts



ED 453MS/HS Content Methods: Math



ED 454MS/HS Content Methods: World Language



ED 456MS/HS Content Methods: Social Studies



ED 457MS/HS Content Methods: Science


ED 471MS/HS Student Teaching


ED 473MS/HS Student Teaching


ED 475MS/HS Student Teaching: Advanced


ED 486MS/HS Seminar for Student Teachers


ENG 107College Writing




Endorsement courses


Total Credit Hours: 120