Programs of Study

The School of Education and the Graduate School offer the following degrees and programs:

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Master of Arts (see Graduate School)

Master of Arts in Teaching (see Graduate School)

Master of Education (see Graduate School)

Additional and Specialized Programs:

Minor in Education

Reading Endorsement

Special Education Endorsement

English for Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement

Neuroeducation Certificate (see Graduate School)

Initial and Continuing Administrative License (see Graduate School)

School of Education Undergraduate Requirements

The undergraduate teacher education programs have two strategic points during the four-year program namely (1) admission to the School of Education, and (2) advancement to the professional year.

Admission to the School of Education

Freshmen: Because teachers work closely with minors, admission to the School of Education requires all candidates to have recent fingerprinting clearance. Thus all freshman and transfer candidates must be cleared before participating in any P-12 field based experiences.

Admission of freshman candidates is based upon a derived matrix score which includes a combination of predictors of probable success: SAT scores (or equivalent basic skills test scores approved by the associate dean), academic records (including grade point average), essay sample, and a personal recommendation.

Transfer Candidates: Admission of transfer candidates is determined on the evaluation of college transcripts (high school transcripts if fewer than 26 semester or 39 quarter hours of college work have been completed), essays, and passage of National Evaluation System's Essential Academic Skills (passing scores are set by TSPC); scores must be submitted as a prerequisite for admission.

Advancement to the Professional Year

The professional year is a two-semester student teaching experience, beginning with fall semester clinical placement including concurrent professional education coursework. The spring semester completes the professional coursework and culminates with full-time student teaching responsibilities in a classroom.

Ordinarily, elementary and secondary undergraduate majors must take a minimum of 12 semester hours in education courses at the University of Portland in order to enter the professional year. In addition, secondary candidates must take and successfully complete 75 percent of the courses required in their endorsement area at the University of Portland. The permission of the associate dean must be obtained for an exception.

Candidates may not advance to the professional year until all appropriate classes required in the endorsement area and all content courses required by TSPC have been completed. Should it be necessary, a clear plan for completing these requirements by the summer before the beginning of the professional year must be filed before application to the University Teacher Education Committee (UTEC) is made.

The school will advance to student teaching only those candidates who satisfy the requirements for scholarship and personal qualification suitable for teaching. Candidates must successfully meet the requirements of all course work while demonstrating academic integrity. In addition, ethical, competent behavior is required during all field experiences and practica.

The process of advancement to the professional year entails review by the School of Education assistant dean and approval by the University Teacher Education Committee (UTEC). Ordinarily, placements occur only in districts where professional year candidates do not have personal relationships with employees of the district.

Prerequisites apply to all candidates desirous of advancing to the professional year:

  1. Passage of NES EAS (National Evaluation Series Essential Academic Skills) subtest I, II, and III for all levels of authorization. Passage of ORELA Multiple Subjects subtest I and II (TSPC determines passing scores) for Early Childhood/Elementary levels of authorization. Passage of ORELA subject area tests (TSPC determines passing scores) for Middle School/High School levels of authorization.
  2. Minimum of 2.50 cumulative G.P.A. for all academic work at the University of Portland.
  3. A minimum cumulative 2.70 G.P.A. in all education classes.
  4. A grade of C or better in all education courses (candidates who receive a grade of C- or lower in any education course must repeat the course).
  5. Minimum 2.70 G.P.A. in the teaching specialty (secondary/endorsement) area; with a minimum grade of C in all endorsement courses.
  6. Passage of ENG 107 and CST 107 or equivalent course with a grade of B- or better.
  7. Satisfactory completion of all field experiences prior to the professional year.
  8. Recommendations from two University of Portland School of Education faculty for elementary education candidates. For secondary education candidates, an additional recommendation from a faculty member in the endorsement area is required.
  9. All paperwork and approvals necessary for student teaching must be completed by June 1 prior to fall semester for site placement in the professional year.

Requisites of the Professional Year:

  1. Candidates must enroll in designated program of study courses;
  2. Courses outside the designated program of study may be taken only with written permission of the associate dean;
  3. Candidates must continue to maintain a C or better in all fall semester education or endorsement courses.

Multiple Endorsements A candidate may earn more than one subject area endorsement when the prescribed program of study has been completed, related tests are passed, and a practicum including a work sample are completed. Permission of the associate dean is required to enroll in the related practicum.

The School of Education faculty involves the candidates in continuous assessment of their progress in attaining the program objectives and retains only those candidates who satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and personal suitability. Candidates must fulfill the requirements for the theoretical and field components of the major.