Graduate Curriculum

The Graduate School offers rigorous educational experiences in a personalized learning environment. The University of Portland’s graduate curricula are designed to provide candidates with the cutting-edge knowledge and skills they need to provide insightful, global, and ethical leadership within their professions, both now and into the future. See the Graduate School section of the Bulletin for descriptions of the degrees listed below and for information about non-degree graduate study. See Graduate School for information about the curriculum for each graduate degree.

Business Administration, M.B.A.

Communication, M.A.

Drama, M.F.A.

Education, M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed.

Education (licensure and post-master’s)

Engineering, M.E.

Finance, M.S.

Management Communication, M.S.

Nursing, M.S., D.N.P.

Pastoral Ministry, M.A.P.M.