Faith-Based Leader Program

Peter L. Rooks, MSA, director for leadership

The University's Faith-Based Leader Program is designed for students who want to experience the challenges facing religious leaders from both the Catholic and ecumenical perspectives. Interning as an executive assistant for a senior leader in the Church or other faith-based organization, students will be immersed in the reality of day-to-day operations while discerning how God may be calling them to use their gifts and talents. Applications open in the spring of the student’s sophomore year. After an interview process, up to twelve applicants are chosen to participate. If positions are still available, the application process may be reopened in September. During the fall of junior year, students take BUS 302: Professional Development Internship, a one-credit course with some adaptation for this program. During the same semester, students will interview with several different executive mentors from participating organizations. In December, students will be paired with an executive mentor. In the spring of junior year, students take part in a series of leader coaching sessions led by the Franz Center and faith formation workshops led by campus ministry. In the summer following junior year, students complete an eight-week internship within their mentors’ organizations. In the fall semester of senior year, students meet and provide a 10- to 15-minute presentation on their experiences and submit a paper. Participants receive a $3,500 stipend for the summer portion of the internship. This internship is provided in part through a Vision and Call grant administered by the Murdock Trust.

For more information about the program, contact the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, University of Portland, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd., Portland, OR 97203-5798. Telephone (503) 943-7769.