Procedures for Addressing Violations

All individuals accused of a violation of academic integrity have the right to notice of the specific charges, a fair consideration of the charges, a fair review of the evidence, and confidentiality as allowed by law and in fairness to other affected persons.

Any person who believes that there has been a violation of this policy and wishes to report it, should report it to an appropriate faculty member. In some cases the faculty member will be the only person aware that there may have been a violation.

The faculty member will: a) Meet with the student to discuss the incident and to determine if a violation occurred. b) Gather and preserve any relevant evidence. c) Document the incident and the evidence as soon as possible. d) If a violation is deemed to have occurred, prepare a report for the student’s dean, including a description of the incident, the evidence, and the penalty. Where the penalty requires the powers of the dean to implement it, the faculty member will make a recommendation of the appropriate penalty. e) Normally the faculty member is expected to take action and/or make a recommendation within one week after receiving a report or witnessing an incident.

The dean will: a) Review the report, including any recommendation. b) Maintain a file of all reports.

If the dean agrees that a violation has occurred, he or she will: a) Determine an appropriate penalty if further action is necessary, document the violation, and notify the provost. b) In appropriate circumstances, obtain the approval of the provost before taking further action. c) Inform the student in writing of the charge and the penalty.

If the dean disagrees with the recommendation of the faculty member, he or she will notify the faculty member of this determination his or her reasons for disagreement.