Post Baccalaureate and Post Master’s Certificate Options

The School of Education offers advanced preparation for licensed teachers who hold either a bachelor's or master's degree in education.  Baccalaureate-prepared candidates may complete an 18 semester hour Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Reading, Special Education or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).  Master’s-prepared candidates may complete a Post Master’s Certificate in Reading, Special Education, ESOL, Initial ("Preliminary") Administrator License, Continuing ("Professional") Administrator license, Neuroeducation or Higher Education and Student Affairs. Post Master's Certificate programs require 12-18 semester hours.  All Post Baccalaureate and Post Master’s Certificate courses conform to the academic regulations of the Graduate School.

Post Baccalaureate Certificate Admission Requirements

  1. Post Baccalaureate Certificate Statement of Goals
  2. Current resume
  3. Two recommendation forms and letters
  4. Copy of United States approved teaching license (must be current and valid) 
  5. Official transcripts (from all previously attended academic institutions)
  6. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent in education from an accredited college or university recognized by the University of Portland

Post Master’s Certificate Admission Requirements

  1. Post Master Certificate Statement of Goals
  2. Current resume
  3. Two recommendation forms and letters
  4. Copy of United States approved teaching license (must be current and valid).  Note: The Continuing (“Professional”) Administrator License (CAL) specialty option requires a valid Initial (“Preliminary”) Administrator License for admission.  A teaching license is not required for the neuroeducator or higher education and student affairs certificate.
  5. Official transcripts (from all previously attended academic institutions)
  6. A master's degree or its equivalent from an accredited college or university recognized by the University of Portland