2023-2024 Catalog

Media and Technology

Computer Laboratories

Western Piedmont Community College maintains multiple computer laboratories for student use in connection with instructional purposes for areas such as Accounting, Art, Business Administration, Information Technology, Digital Effects and Animation (DEAT), Simulation and Game Development (SGD), Interpreter Education and American Sign Language, Medical Assisting, Nursing, and Office/Medical Office Administration.

The Art, DEAT, and SGD labs utilize MacIntosh computers.  Programs offered through the Business, Public Services, & Academic Support Division use PC based computer laboratories and provide Microsoft software as well as scanners and printers. The Division of Health, Engineering, and Applied Technologies maintains computer laboratories dedicated to computer languages, CAD/CAM graphics, mathematics, statistics, horticulture, physics, networking, and other relevant applications. They contain PC workstations running Windows and Linux.

The Library/Academic Success Center has a PC based open lab available for student use that provides Microsoft applications including word processing, spreadsheets, database, multimedia, graphics, programming, and networking software.

Printing in Computer Laboratories

All students will receive a free $25.00 allotment per semester for the purpose of printing in the Library/Academic Success Center, and the second floor of the Foothills Higher Education Center. This allotment will be tied to the individual student’s Western Piedmont computing account. This allotment will amount to either 250 black and white prints (.10 each) or 125 color prints (.20 each) or any combination of both amounting to $25.00, at no charge. If a student exhausts his or her $25.00 free allotment during any semester, additional blocks of copies must be purchased and added to their accounts. Additional copies may be purchased in minimum $5.00 blocks, at two locations: the Library, and the Business Office.

A meter will show up on the open lab computer screen, every time a student submits a print job, to alert them to the remaining balance. At the beginning of each semester, free printing allotments will be reset to $25.00. Those students who have purchased additional copies during the previous semester will be given credit for those copies directly purchased, but the free allotment will always reset to $25.00.

Printing on classroom computers and in curriculum-specific computing labs is monitored, but is not charged to the student’s account. Printing control in these facilities is at the discretion of the instructor and/or divisional staff.

Computer Usage Policy

All use of College computing and related information technology resources is governed by the Acceptable Use of Computing Resources. All Western Piedmont Community College students should familiarize themselves with this document, as violation of this policy could result in the revocation of computer use privileges campus-wide and/or punitive legal action.

Student Computing Accounts

The Division of Technology will create campus computing accounts for all registered curriculum students, on or before the beginning date of classes for each semester. These accounts will be accessed by a username and password. A student will use a username and password to log into any campus open lab computer, access student email, Pioneer Pass, Moodle, library online databases, and the campus WiFi system. A student's password may be changed using the Password Master utility accessible through the ‘Western Piedmont Online’ section of the College’s web page. A brief tutorial on using Password Station is also available at the same link.

Verification of Identity

The College strives to uphold the highest levels of academic integrity as students complete their coursework and earn credentials. To this end, the College confirms the identity of each student enrolled in distance education courses as they complete course requirements. 

Account Security 

First, the College issues a secure username and temporary password to each student. Before accessing the College’s learning management system, students must create a private password. With their new password, students access their online course content, submit assignments and tests, communicate with the instructor, and participate in discussions.


Students are responsible for the integrity of their account, including proper password protection. The College directs students to keep passwords completely private. If a student shares access to their account with others or obtains another user’s password, they will be subject to disciplinary action. Additionally, no member of the faculty or staff is permitted to use a student’s password, including supervisors, help desk personnel, or security administrators.

Identify Verification for Assignments and Tests 

The College requires all online courses to have at least one proctored learning activity (i.e., presentation, test, final exam) that amounts to a significant portion of the student’s final course grade. During a proctored learning activity, the course instructor, an approved third-party proctoring service, or an approved college employee serving in a proctor role will (a) verify the student’s identity and (b) monitor their work. Proctoring may occur in person or online; however, the proctor’s oversight must be adequate to ensure that a student is who they say they are and that they are completing their work with academic integrity. 


In all cases, students must present an official photo ID to verify their identity.  

As faculty plan proctored learning activities, the following options are available: 

  • Testing in the Academic Success Center (free to students) 
  • Use of web conferencing tools such as Teams, Zoom, or Collaborate (free to students) 
  • Virtual third-party proctoring service (Students may be required to pay for this service, and equipment such as a web camera will be required.) 
  • Testing at other approved testing centers (Students may be required to pay for testing services.) 

Before each term, faculty must notify students of proctoring options that will require the purchase of services or equipment. At a minimum, the College will add this information to course section details that students access as they register for courses each semester. 


See Verification of Identity Procedure 04.02.080.a.

Student Email Accounts

Western Piedmont Community College uses Microsoft Office 365 to provide College email accounts for each student as a means of communicating important information. The account will allow the College to easily provide the student with notices of important deadlines for registration and financial aid, changes in academic status, academic and social events, etc. The Microsoft Office 365 account will be the only email account the College and College instructors will use to communicate with students.


New students will receive a pamphlet detailing computer usage policies and procedures with their admissions letter. Copies of this pamphlet are also available in all campus open computer labs and at the Technology Division Help Desk located in Moore Hall, Room 17.

Wireless Networking (Wi-Fi)

Western Piedmont Community College provides numerous Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the main campus, Jim A. Richardson complex and the Foothills Higher Education Center including student lounges, common areas, and the Library/Academic Success Center. The College continues to expand the scope of wireless access. If a student wishes to use Wi-Fi, go to the available networks and choose WPCC. When you click on connect, you will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your WPCC assigned username and password. If you are having trouble getting connected, please visit our Help Desk located in Moore Hall, Room 17.

Computer and Technology Support Services

Assistance with Western Piedmont Community College computing accounts, lab computers and software, classroom computers and instructional technology, wireless networking, student email, audiovisual and other technology issues is available through the Technology Help Desk at 828-448-6030. The Help Desk maintains hours Monday through Thursday, 8:00am - 8:00pm and on Fridays, 8:00am – 5:00pm. During off-hours, a technology support request can be placed through voicemail and a technician will attend to the request on the next business day.

Illegal File Sharing Activities

It is a strict violation of College policy to use any Western Piedmont Community College computer or personal computing device connected to the Western Piedmont Community College network for the purpose of illegal file sharing of copyrighted materials. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of such file sharing protocols as Bittorrent or Gnutella for the purpose of peer-to-peer sharing of legally copyrighted music, video, software, etc. Such illegal activity puts the College at risk for legal action by copyright holders; therefore, activity of this nature will not be tolerated. Violation of this policy will result in the revocation of College network access rights for a significant period of time. Repeat offenders may be suspended from the College and reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Library Resources - Phifer Hall


Located on the upper level of Phifer Hall, the Library is a place for students to do research and study. Rooms are provided for individual and group study. The Library of Congress Classification System is used for the arrangement of books, and an online catalog provides access to library collection materials for on-campus and distance learning students. An information commons consisting of 39 computer stations is available, 24 laptops available for in-library use and library-wide wireless network access.

Library resources include about 20,000 printed books, 287,395 electronic E-Books, 58 printed periodical titles, and over 667 DVDs. Publications not owned by the Library may be secured through interlibrary loan. In addition, the Library provides access to a wide variety of electronic databases, which contain indexing, abstracting, and full-text retrieval of articles from an extensive library of professional, trade, and popular journals. Currently enrolled students have remote access to this vast online data by using their regular user name and password.

Library information tours are available upon request. Reference staff offers a library instruction program, which includes customized presentations, resource guides for class assignments, and guidance sheets on locating and using library resources.

The Library’s normal operating hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00am - 8:00pm and Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00am - 7:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am - 1:00pm.



The Raymond B. Goodfellow Art Gallery

The Goodfellow Gallery is named after the late Vice President for Academic Affairs, Raymond B. Goodfellow, and is housed within the Library. The Goodfellow Gallery provides a forum for exhibiting the work of faculty, students and regional artists. Rotating exhibits provide for a variety of visual media and artistic styles throughout the year. Periodic receptions are held to introduce the work of various artists.

Media Services

Media Services, administered by the Division of Technology, provides a qualified staff and excellent facilities to support instructional programs with material production and audiovisual equipment. Located in Moore Hall Room 17, Media Services personnel provide a wide range of traditional audiovisual services, as well as support for emerging instructional technologies. Media Services is also responsible for supervising, scheduling, and operating the College’s television, videoconferencing, media production, North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH) room, and multimedia classroom facilities.

Media Services normal operating hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Off-hours scheduling can be arranged, well in advance, to provide Media Services personnel for College-sponsored special events. Limited in-classroom AV support is available for evening classes through the Technology Division Help Desk (6030) which operates Monday through Thursday, 8:00am - 7:00pm and Fridays, 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr. Library

Housed in the Library, the Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr. Library and Museum includes books, correspondence, photos, documents, professional and family memorabilia, original political cartoons from the Watergate era, awards, and other materials collected by Senator Ervin during his many years of public service. The goal of the Library/Museum is to provide scholars and students with a wide range of resource information concerning the life of Senator Ervin, the United States Constitution, Constitutional and political history with emphasis on the Watergate era, and US and North Carolina legal and general history.

The Dr. Jean C. Ervin Mark Twain Collection

Also housed in the Library, this collection, donated by the noted Twain scholar and sister of Senator Ervin, consists of over 400 books and many collectibles. The collection of books written by and about Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was collected over a fifty-year period with the oldest dating from the 1870’s. The collectibles are comprised of figurines, plates, comics, etc. depicting famous scenes from Twain’s beloved books. Many of the limited edition figurines are based on illustrations by Norman Rockwell, the famous American illustrator.

The Grace DiSanto Poetry Collection

Housed with the Dr. Jean C. Ervin Collection, this comprehensive collection of the award winning Morganton poet’s work, along with biographical material on her life, is available for in-house review by the public, upon request.

Although materials in the Senator Sam J. Ervin Library and Museum, the Dr. Jean C. Ervin Mark Twain Collection, and the Grace DiSanto Poetry Collection are non-circulating, a comfortable, private reading and study room is provided for students, scholars, and the general public who wish to explore these unique collections.