Catalog 2015-2016

Academic Probation

Students on academic probation failed to earn minimum grade point averages (GPAs) of 2.0 on all academic credit work attempted for the semester. Learning support grades are not included in the calculation of  semester GPAs (see Semester Grade Point Average). Probation alerts students to the fact that their academic performance is not acceptable and points out possible consequences if they do not improve during the next semester of enrollment. Students placed on academic probation must attain minimum GPAs of 2.0 during their next semester of enrollment to remove themselves from probationary status. Students who fail to do so will be academically dismissed from the college. In certain circumstances, the college may dismiss students from academic programs or the college without first placing them on academic probation.

Students who transfer to Athens Technical College from other colleges where they were on academic probation at the time of their transfer will be admitted to Athens Technical College on probation. They must attain minimum GPAs during their first semester of enrollment at Athens Technical College in order to remove themselves from probationary status. Students who fail to do so will be academically dismissed from the college.