College Health Service Admissions Requirements

New or transfer students must provide a detailed health history and a copy of their childhood immunization record prior to the beginning of their first term on campus. The College requires documentation of adequate immunization against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, polio, measles (rubeolla), mumps, and rubella (German measles). We recommend, but do not require, immunization against Hepatitis B and meningococcal disease. Appropriate screening for tuberculosis also is required. A student who has not met the requirements (completed health history, immunization record, and tuberculosis screening—see note below) will not be permitted to register for a second term.

Entering students must complete a questionnaire regarding tuberculosis exposure. Entering students from highrisk areas or with a history of high risk for tuberculosis must undergo skin testing. Should that test indicate the possibility of active disease, a chest x-ray will be required. This may be done at the St. Joseph Berea Hospital or through the Madison County Health Department. In cases of active disease, treatment is mandated by law and closely monitored. If the skin test is positive but the x-ray is negative, a nine-month course of antibiotics is highly recommended. Students who fail to complete at least six months of the appropriate therapy