CFS 360 Curr & Mat'ls-Early Child Edu

Prerequisite: CFS 130, CFS 210, CFS 313, or permission of instructor

Offered: Typically as student interest and faculty availability allow

This course is designed to study the foundations of curriculum, the different curriculum typically found in early childhood settings; the sequence of learning activities, and the curricular materials and activities used in developmentally appropriate learning environments for young children. Using current research as well as best current practices and other resources, the student will explore the nature of and the appropriate use of various areas of curriculum and will examine how individually and developmentally appropriate materials, activities, and equipment are used to facilitate and encourage the natural or normal sequence of development of the young child as well as meet current early childhood education standards and progammatic objectives. Special attention will be given to the developmental sequence of literacy and math skills and resulting curriculum planning; thematic curriculum planning; the value of play in learning and development; the implementation of various learning strategies; and the creation of healthy and safe environments. 10 hours of directed field experience are required. Course Fee: $10. 1 Course Credit


1 Course Credit