CHM 370 Advanced Lab I

Prerequisite: CHM 311 (formerly 341); OR permission of instructor

Offered: Typically every Fall Term

One of four courses that form the core of the Advanced Laboratory Experience for all Chemistry majors. In each course, students will do the equivalent of five (5) laboratory experiments each term. Four of these experiments will be chosen from a list prepared by the Chemistry Program. The remaining experiment will be one that the student finds in the current chemical literature and attempts to reproduce. Students will need to pay attention to their portfolio requirements in the selection of appropriate experiments. Students often will work in teams under the guidance of senior students. The last week of each term will conclude with a mini research meeting. In each of the four Advanced Laboratory terms, all students will be required to attend at least three research seminars by visiting speakers each term. All students will read an 'important paper' in chemistry each term and discuss these with the instructor. 1/2 Course Credit


1/2 Course Credit