Probation and Education Abroad Policy

Students must be in good standing to participate in approved education abroad opportunities, including, but not limited to, Berea Term Abroad (BTA), Berea International Summer Term (BIST) courses, internships, and independent or team-initiated studies. As such, students on labor, academic, and/or social probation are not permitted to apply for, register for, and/or participate in such opportunities. All students registered for education-abroad opportunities will be subject to a mid-term labor performance review, and those found to be significantly deficient in meeting the required labor obligation will not be allowed to go abroad. Any student placed on probation during or at the end of the term preceding international study will not be allowed to participate in an education-abroad opportunity, even if the student has been registered.

Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Education Abroad Advisor and by the appropriate administrator: the Director of Academic Services for academic probation, the Dean of Labor for labor probation, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life for social probation.