Resources Available to Provide Support, Information and Services

For Medical Attention:

Even if you don’t think you have any physical injuries, you should consider having a medical exam as soon as possible:

  • to check for internal injury;
  • to receive treatment for possible sexually-transmitted diseases or pregnancy; and
  • to conduct a sexual assault exam to collect and preserve any physical evidence should you decide to press charges at the time or in the future. The emergency rooms at Saint Joseph Berea Hospital and at Patty A. Clay Hospital (in Richmond) can provide these exams.

For Confidential Counseling, Guidance, and Treatment:

Speaking with a trained counselor or advocate in a confidential environment can help you deal with what has happened and better understand the options available to you. College Health Services can provide confidential medical exams, including tests for STD’s and pregnancy. Unless required by law, (i.e., the victim is a minor) these individuals will not take any action without your written consent.

College Health Services

ext. 3212 8:00am – 5:00pm M-F

Counseling Services

ext. 3212 8:00am – 5:00pm M-F

(After hours, and on weekends and holidays, call Public Safety and ask to speak to the Counselor on call.)

Blue Grass Rape Crisis Center

24-hour hotline: 800-656-4673

For Support and Assistance:

We strongly recommend reporting a sexual assault to a College representative. Reporting is the only way the College can take action against the alleged perpetrator. A College representative is any faculty or staff member, including student staff, a Collegium member, RA, professor, coach or labor supervisor. These individuals can refer you to the counseling, personal and judicial/legal resources available to you, and are obligated by federal legislation under the Campus Security Act to report an assault to Public Safety. You may also choose to contact Public Safety or the Berea Police Department directly.

Public Safety

ext. 3333


ext. 3115 (8 am – 5 pm) or ext. 3333 (after hours)

Berea Police Department
