Grading Scale
The quality of a student’s academic achievement in each Berea College course is reported through final course grades in a grading scale adopted by the College Faculty, as follows:
Excellent work
Good work
Competent work*
Poor work that is still worthy of credit
Raises serious concern about the readiness of a student to continue in related course work.
Failing work that is unworthy of credit
The required minimum of 7 Convocation credits were earned
The required minimum of 7 Convocation credits were not earned
Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Satisfactorily Completed
Given in developmental mathematics courses and in other non-credit courses and projects. These grades are not used in determining the GPA.
Passing work
Given for courses that do not affect GPA, but for which credit is earned.
Continuing progress
Given when a student is enrolled in a class that continues into the next term.
Assigned only when some portion of a course has not been completed for good and sufficient reason. Courses in which “I” grades are assigned must be completed not later than the end of the next regular term in which the student is enrolled or the grade will be recorded as “F” on the permanent record. Note that instructors may set an earlier deadline for completion of incomplete work than that set by the College.
No grade
A temporarily assigned grade when extenuating circumstances prevent an instructor from submitting grades at the time they are required due to travel abroad or other challenges deemed permitted by the Academic Dean. A change of grade is required no later than 10 days following the assignment of the N.
In addition, the course grades of A, B, C, and D may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-) suffix, indicating achievement which is respectively at the higher or lower segment of each of these grade ranges.
Achievement in courses at the College is recorded by grades of A+/A/A-/B+/B/B-/C+/C/C-*/D+/D/D-/F/U/S/SC/P/CP/I. Also see “Dean’s List” and “Graduating with Honors” in this publication.
* Please note that a C- does not count for sequenced courses requiring a C or higher in a previous course (e.g. FRN 102 requires a C or higher in FRN 101).