The Labor Program Council
The Labor
Program Council advises and assists the Vice President for Labor and Student
Life and the Dean of Labor in interpreting and applying the vision for the
Student Labor Program. It has comprehensive responsibility for major
programmatic changes that affect experiential, non-credit learning in the Labor
Program, with specific responsibility regarding labor evaluation, assessment of
goals and outcomes, and recommendations for improvements to the program as a
result of analyzing assessment data. The Council receives proposals from
the President and administrative officers of the College, labor departments,
planning committees, groups, and members of the Council. Proposals can also be
developed through collaboration with the campus community to link the goals and
policies of student labor with those of the Berea College workplace.
student-initiated labor grievances—including those related to
discrimination—cannot be resolved through administrative channels, the Labor
Program Council will convene a grievance board as outlined in the Student Labor
Grievance Procedure. When a student is suspended for labor reasons and chooses
an appeal by committee, the Labor Program Council will serve as the appellate
board. All student labor-related misconduct requiring a hearing (falsification
of time, theft of equipment, etc.) will be adjudicated according to the Berea
College Community Judicial Code. The Council can recommend administrative
withdrawal of a student that is non-functioning in the labor program or is found
to have falsified labor records.
The Labor
Program Council membership shall include: a person from the Labor Program
Office who is responsible for training and assessment; a person who is involved
with the allocation of student labor positions; a person from Human Resources
who is responsible for providing training and evaluation; three working
supervisor/mentors from diverse work areas elected by the General Faculty
Assembly, including one member of the College Faculty Assembly and two
non-teaching members of the General Faculty—one exempt and one non-exempt; and
two students appointed by the Student Government Association whose work
experiences are diverse. The Dean of Curriculum and Student Learning
and the Dean of Labor will serve as ex-officio members. Elected members
will serve three-year terms. The Labor Program Council will invite and include
other voices as needed.