2.12.1 Requirements of the Concentrations

(a) Students must complete a total of 72 Credits; this is 3 more than the required 69 total credits for all students. The Programs of Study are outlined for each concentration in Appendix A.

(b) One of the student's external clinical practice will be at a site where the student obtains clinical experience with a population of patients or clients related to the concentration area. Selection of and placement at these sites will be decided upon by the External Practicum Committee using the same procedures as are used for all external placements. Being selected for a concentration does not in any way suggest or guarantee placement at a specific placement site or level of care.

(c) All students (including those doing a thesis) must sit for a concentration comprehensive exam question. (see 2.12.2)

(d) If a student wants to concentrate and is completing a thesis, the thesis needs to grossly align with the selected concentration area such that it creates a complementary experience and allows or a more focused plan of placement opportunities. This alignment must be verified by the thesis mentor and Concentration Committee.

(e) Students completing both a concentration and a thesis who are enrolled in CD895 (1 credit), CD896 (1 credit), CD897 (2 credits) may substitute these 4 credits in place of 4 elective credits required for the concentration (thereby totaling 72 credits.) This is not the case however for students completing both a thesis and concentration in Literacy with preparation for MA. DESE reading specialist licensure. They will need to register for more than 72 credits in order to take all state-required courses and thesis courses.

(f) Students in each concentration must readily participate in a learning community that is headed by the concentration coordinator designated for that concentration.

(g) Students are permitted to complete only one concentration.

(h) Electing to apply for and complete a concentration is optional.