Out of Compliance Procedures

The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the Occupational Therapy Department regularly monitor the status of each student’s compliance with the CPR and Health History policy. Neither the School nor the Program directly receive or manage student compliance paperwork.

Students are expected to be mindful of areas in which they may become non-compliant and address them before they fall out of compliance. Areas in which students may become non-complaint include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical exam
    • Due to restrictions on some health insurance policies, Complio builds in a one-month grace period before students are marked as non-compliant. The department expects students to upload documentation of a recent physical exam before or during this grace period.
  • TB test
  • Flu vaccination
  • CPR certification

If there is an extenuating circumstance that would cause a student to fall out of compliance, the student is expected to reach out to the program manager to discuss the issue and have a documented plan in place before being marked as non-compliant in Complio. Exceptions will be reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis, and the final determination will be made by the Department Chair, Program Director, and Director of Clinical Education.

Once a student is out of compliance, they will be notified by department staff.  Students are expected to respond to compliance emails from school or department staff, even if they believe they are in compliance or have already addressed the area of non-compliance.

A student will have 10 business days to become compliant.
Students are not considered compliant until adequate documentation is uploaded to and approved by Complio, which can take up to 3 business days.  Students who believe they are in compliance must review their record in Complio for any comments made by Complio or department staff.  Students must also keep copies of all documentation of health history and CPR certification.

If no action is taken by the 10th day, the student:
  1. Will lose access to D2L
  2. At the discretion of the Director of Clinical Education, may not be permitted to attend fieldwork experiences, which will result in an incomplete or failure of the applicable fieldwork course, and
  3. Will receive a Notification of Concern
    1. If a student receives more than two Notifications of Concern, they will be reviewed by Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP.) Please refer to the “Professional Behavior Actions” section of the Program Manual.