5.3. OSCE/ Competency Assessments and Practical Examinations

Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) will be administered at the end of each semester in the first year of the program. In the first two semesters of the Program, students who do have identified deficiencies in meeting the program-defined expectations will be required to design a remediation plan and timeline in collaboration with their faculty advisor. Failure to complete the required remediation on time will trigger a meeting with the Student Development Committee for consideration of probation or dismissal from the Program. No retakes of these assessments will be offered in the first two semesters.

In the final semester prior to the start of clinical clerkships, students will be required to pass a pre-clerkship written and practical examination which they must pass in order to progress to the clinical clerkships.  Students who fail the examination will be offered one retake. Failure to pass the retake will result in dismissal from the Program.

In Seminar I and II, students will again undergo an OSCE which will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Students who fail the examination will be required to participate in remedial activities as recommended by their faculty advisor and approved by the Student Development Committee, which may include an additional clerkship experience. Students are responsible for any costs related to remedial courses or extended time in the Program.

The Summative Evaluation will be administered as part of Seminar III. This comprehensive written examination and OSCE will assess students’ acquisition of the graduate competencies (learning outcomes) for the Program. Students must pass both examinations as a requirement of graduation. The written test will be scored on a numerical basis. Students must earn an 80% or better to pass the written portion. The OSCEs will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

Students who fail either portion of the Summative Evaluation will be referred to the Student Development Committee for consideration of retaking the failed examination, remediation activities, or termination from the Program. Students recommended for remediation will be required to pass a similar written or practical examination after completion of the remedial activities. Failure to pass any initial or retake of the Summative Evaluation may result in delay of graduation or dismissal from the Program.

When any practical examination or OSCE is being given, students are prohibited from speaking with other students about the content or format of the exam until all students have been tested. Failure to comply with this policy will subject the student(s) to consequences as outlined in the Institute’s academic honesty policy and may result in termination from the Program.

In all OSCEs and practical examinations, students must demonstrate professional dress and behavior and appropriate patient/provider interactions.

Remediation will not be offered for failed practical examinations with the exception of the pre-clerkship Cumulative and final Summative evaluations.